Livesplit going back of the game
4 months ago

I have a question that my livesplit goes back when i open cry of fear, is there any way to fix this?


if you're talking about having livesplit on the screen while playing fullscreen, you can't. the only way to have livesplit on screen is to play windowed and have it on the side, assuming you don't have a 2nd monitor. alternatively, you can use livesplit sounds to see if you're ahead/behind


wish i had a 2nd monitor cus it dosent work

Wielkopolskie, Poland

have you checked "Always on Top" setting?


Can you tell me how i am supposed to do that?

Wielkopolskie, Poland

Right click on on splits -> edit layout -> Layout settings -> in bottom right you should have a checkbox with "always on top"

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 months ago

its already checked which means its probably bc of my monitor


Livesplit can't be on top of the game if it's in full screen mode, it's possible only on borderess full screen. When you record the game it will be shown on OBS as long as the livesplit window is on top of everything in that program. If you really wanna see the timer your best bet is either get the second monitor or just set up sounds for getting or losing time in certain situation (behind or ahead of your PB, as well as golds).

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