LevelErster Platz
GDI 01: Reinforce Phoenix Base
GDI 02: Secure the Region
GDI 03a: Secure Crash Site
GDI 03b: Capture Train Station
GDI 04: Defend Crash Site
GDI 05a: Destroy Radar Array
GDI 05b: Rescue Tratos (Radar Destroyed)
GDI 05c: Rescue Tratos
GDI 06a: Destroy Vega's Dam
GDI 06b: Destroy Vega's Base
GDI 07: Capture Hammerfest Base
GDI 08: Retrieval of Disrupter Crystals
GDI 09a: Rescue the Prisoners
GDI 09b: Destroy Chemical Supply Station
GDI 09c: Mine the Power Grid
GDI 09d: Destroy the Chemical Missile Plant
GDI 10a: Destroy Prototype Facility (South)
GDI 10b: Destroy Prototype Facility (North)
GDI 11: Weather the Storm
GDI 12: Final Conflict
Nod 01: The Messiah Returns
Nod 02: Retaliation
Nod 03a: Destroy Hassan's Temple and Capture Him
Nod 03b: Free Rebel Commander
Nod 04a: Eviction Notice
Nod 04b: Blackout
Nod 05: Salvage Operation
Nod 06a: Capture Umagon (North)
Nod 06b: Capture Umagon (South)
Nod 06c: Sheep's Clothing
Nod 07a: Destroy the Research Facility
Nod 07b: Villainess in Distress
Nod 08: Escort the Bio-toxin Trucks
Nod 09a: Re-establish Nod Presence
Nod 09b: Protect the Waste Convoys
Nod 10: Destroy the Mammoth MkII Prototype
Nod 11: Capture Jake McNeil
Nod 12a: A New Beginning
Nod 12b: Illegal Data Transfer
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Veröffentlicht 7 years ago
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