Hey I just did Standford Bridge as Godwin England
5 years ago
United States

Recorded myself playing as Godwin England. Getting subjugated by Norway. Revolting and taking back England. This could be improved upon but this is an idea for a category

Virginia, USA

This is a very interesting concept for a run. I think it would be a fun and I would love to do a run of it if the category was added. Who knows, maybe it'll bring in more people to speedrun this game that I love. (Probably won't but it's nice to think about.) I do kinda wish to see this added tho. Maybe we would get another one of DobroJackal's WR runs that no matter how hard I try, I'll never beat them. (Maybe one day I'll understand how he does it lol)

If we were to add this run, would it start from the first day like all the other runs, or would it be from the day you are subjugated into Norway. Also, would the rules allow you to fight Norway before getting subjugated, or would you have to immediately surrender from the start. I feel like these two go hand in hand with each other, because a surrender is randomized, that's why the "It's Good To Be King" and "It's Better To Be Emporer" categories have times that are both short, but also inconsistant. It just matters when the surrender goes through due to how long the AI holds onto the sue for peace.

So, if we make the rules say that you have to immediately surrender to Norway, I think it should start on the date you are subjugated, that way you don't miss a couple of days very early on because of strictly RNG. If you don't, it may take plenty of tries just to get the best RNG, which is 4 days. I think the amount of RNG to get this quick surrender could really be fustraighting, especially when going for a WR, which with the small player count for this games community, would be the most competition going on. In my experience for speedrunning this game, I was fueled by getting a WR, so I will say this could be my bias showing.

Now, the alternative is that we start from the first day like every other run and you could try to fight Norway and surrender later in the run, or surrender immediately based on whatever you think will make the run be faster. This would make it conform with the other runs, making it easy for anyone who has done any run for this game to understand how the runs timing is measured and would only need to worry about what the run actually entails.

I am kind of split on which way the rules for the run should be. This is just my initial reaction to this idea of a category being added. If anyone else has an opinion, while I am not an admin for the game, I would love to see what you think about it. :)

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

The original Standford categories were based on the available categories of the game.

datrandompanda gefällt das.
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