A lot of things went wrong trying to do this speedrun, messed up a lot. We originally wanted to go for 4 thousand trophies, but we started too late due to our schedules not matching, there were recording issues and we didn't want to play until like 5 o' clock at night. First time streaming so I only later found out how loud everything was. At least we made it to 2k trophies. You will also see twitch chat coming on screen some times. I was xxvi3stkungs_gamingxx commenting on the run. Tomchess12 was TomToms (he has done 2 speedruns with me and Emils before.)
Also Susy_As came back to do this speedrun with us.
Viestkaralis - Viestkungs
dynamite - Judo_pro_Emils
mandycandy - Susy_As
Hello everyone,
It's been a while and we thank you for your patience. As of now, there are 266 unverified runs and it is currently not possible for the team to get through them. As for me, I am busy for the next two weeks due to exams. But as soon as they finish, I will go through each and every ru