LevelErster Platz
Jaina - Archmage Antonidas
Jaina - Prince Kael'thas
Jaina - Prince Arthas
Jaina - Grommash Hellscream
Jaina - Archimonde
Jaina - Garrosh Hellscream
Jaina - Thrall
Jaina - Aethas Sunreaver
Rexxar - Leoroxx
Rexxar - Warchief Blackhand
Rexxar - Misha
Rexxar - Ferocious Quilboar
Rexxar - Lady Darkscale
Rexxar - Khiragg
Rexxar - Daelin Proudmoore
Rexxar - Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
Garrosh - Greatmother Geyah
Garrosh - Rehgar Earthfury
Garrosh - Underqueen Zarzhet
Garrosh - Searing Fire Elemental
Garrosh - Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof
Garrosh - Jaina Proudmoore
Garrosh - Prince Anduin Wrynn
Garrosh - Thrall
Uther - Alonsus Faol
Uther - Orgrim Doomhammer
Uther - Varok Saurfang
Uther - The Dark Portal
Uther - Blackrock Blademaster
Uther - Venim Iceblade
Uther - Mal'Ganis
Uther - Prince Arthas
Anduin - King Varian
Anduin - Jaina Proudmoore
Anduin - Moira Thaurissan
Anduin - Prophet Velen
Anduin - General Nazgrim
Anduin - Monkey King
Anduin - Garrosh Hellscream
Anduin - Sylvanas Windrunner
Valeera - Rehgar Earthfury
Valeera - Helka Grimtotem
Valeera - Daerion the Assassin
Valeera - Vendelin Soulfire
Valeera - Stasia Fallshadow
Valeera - Garona Halforcen
Valeera - Cho'Gall
Valeera - Jorach Ravenholdt
Thrall - Aedalas Blackmoore
Thrall - Drek'Thar
Thrall - Mysterious Stranger
Thrall - Mannoroth
Thrall - Archimonde
Thrall - Deathwing
Thrall - Jaina
Thrall - Garrosh
Malfurion - Cenarius
Malfurion - Mannoroth
Malfurion - Illidan 1
Malfurion - Archimonde
Malfurion - Illidan 2
Malfurion - Xavius
Malfurion - Ragnaros
Malfurion - Sylvanas Windrunner
Gul'dan - Forgotten Warrior
Gul'dan - Throne of the Elements
Gul'dan - Ner'zhul
Gul'dan - Medivh
Gul'dan - Orgrim Doomhammer
Gul'dan - Tomb Guardian
Illidan - Prince Arthas
Illidan - Tichondrius
Illidan - Maiev Shadowsong
Illidan - Malfurion Stormrage
Illidan - Magtheridon
Illidan - Anub'arak
Illidan - Death Knight Arthas
Illidan - Akama
Faelin - Patrol Captain
Faelin - Ol' Rattleswipe
Faelin - Captain Hooktusk
Faelin - Hurricane Elemental
Faelin - Privateer Tom
Faelin - Captain Maya
Faelin - Ozumat
Faelin - Murgaloc
Faelin - Cousin Erggle
Faelin - Naga Guard
Faelin - Enchanted Statue
Faelin - Ruins of House Evenlar
Faelin - Mysterious Visitor
Faelin - Abyssal Jailor
Faelin - Handmaiden Zainra
Faelin - Queen Azshara
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Hearthstone Loadless Timer

(Edit: The loadless timer isn't working correctly for now due to game updates. Not recommended to use the timer for now.)

A loadless timer for Hearthstone has been made recently by Streetbackguy.

At the moment, we're still sorting the leaderboard by real time. But we're encouraging every runners t

1 year ago
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Veröffentlicht 4 years ago
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