New categories for Boss Rush?
4 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

With the new DLC Strife and Ruin out now we finally have an actual boss rush mode. I would love to see new leaderboards added for the new boss rushes. The new stuff is:

Sorrow of the First Brother - the first four bosses of base game Second Sorrow of His Holiness - the final bosses of base game Third Sorrow of True Torment - all bosses from base game Fourth Sorrow of the Dawn - all five DLC bosses from Strife and Ruin Fifth Sorrow of Ultimate Virtue - every boss in the game

All these have a Normal and True Torment difficulty.

There's also the new Arcade mode, but I'm not sure how many people would be interested in running a mini-game like that. It is repeatable though, so maybe someone will start doing it.


Hey thanks for asking ! i ll try to update the new categories soon enough

rufinthefury gefällt das.
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