8 years ago
Colorado, USA

This is the thread to talk about possible time-savers/glitches/routing that we may have found.

United States

This doesn't really save much time, but it does make 100% easier:

Damage +10%, Damage +15%, One Heart Mode and 8 diamonds is enough to get a 1 star rank on Akron. Matt + Holy Swords shreds through most of the patterns without much dodging required.

My approach was to perfect waves 1-7 (with 5 and 7 being trouble spots), bomb wave 8 if a burst goes off near me, capture 9 and bomb 10 if I have any bombs left at this point. Waves 11 and 12 are both doable for me, albeit with some difficulty, so messing up on wave 5 or 7 isn't instantly fatal to the attempt. After a few A ranks from getting 7 diamonds, I finally got the main part of the fight correct and went on to clear wave 11, and wave 12 my first time ever facing it for a 2 star rank and global 14th.

Still tough to star Akron on Heavenly, but that's way easier than needing 7 diamonds with no cheats/handicaps.

Ohio, USA

i've created a basic guide for anyone interested in getting up to speed with the current runs.

that includes most the new strategies i can think of (the important ones at least)

routing for this game is complex, and i will likely be working for quite a while before i'm happy with my routes

if anyone needs help with anything in regards to this game, feel free to contact me

United States

Wait, why is skipping 1-1 with data from a previous save not NG+? I've played other games with cases of data not clearing properly (Spyro 2 with the infinite fireball powerup being possible to get onto a new file, Super Mario 63 can also use a deleted save to skip a boss) and neither of these are allowed in their respective non-NG+ categories.

Put another way- NG+ is anything you can't do from a fresh save. It just so happens that this game has a stronger NG+ in replaying levels on a finished save, but using data from a deleted save is still using data from another save and so NG+, yes?

Also, resetting medals during the run to get their rewards again is brilliant.

Ohio, USA

ya that makes sense. it's not like skipping 1-1 is super interesting anyways.

i didn't really think about that since intuitively my brain told me resetting progress items and medals counts a a new file, and it's funny cause in NG+ selecting wave 1 is what felt natural lol

i don't think it should be allowed in either category. we can make the rule change now or in a couple days after i update my runs to follow the rule

i think there should probably be a line in the rules mentioning that you also need to select wave 1... do you have an idea on a good way to word that?

Bearbeitet von der Autor 5 years ago

This is prolly known, but for IL's when it comes to bosses, it's always best to play with 60 FPS to hopefully get a tickback on the IGT timer

Tested this out on level 1-5 where I can get consistent 0:36 on 60 FPS, but I keep getting stuck on 0:37 on 30 FPS

Don't know if this is because of the Natalie Glitch that benefits from higher FPS, it's kind off hard to test out on the non boss levels if this is purely because of that or not.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
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