Update on the Leaderboards, PC + Console Submission Requirements, & Autosplitter
3 years ago

Hello everyone!

We've shared these updates over on the Bayonetta Speedrun Community Discord server ( https://discord.gg/QhpkEcETFK ), but we also wanted to post about them on SRC. Here are the main updates that all runners should be aware of.

  1. The current categories are as follows:
  • New Game Normal | NG Infinite Flute Glitch | NG+ | NG+ Alfheim Rules
  1. We've separated PC runs from Console runs due to new rule updates and the implementation of the newly released Autosplitter (more details below).

  2. The aforementioned changes necessitated all previously completed runs being moved to the Miscellaneous 'Legacy' categories. Obviously this isn't an ideal situation, but we wanted to preserve the history of Bayonetta speedruns while ensuring that the main categories adhere to equal competitive standards.

  3. PC runners will now be required to limit their FPS to 60, and display their FPS at all times during the run. Galasrinie has provided a setup tutorial for this process here: https://www.speedrun.com/bayonetta/guide/b1e9n

  4. PC runners can also submit their runs without loads. The loadremover tool is fully integrated into LiveSplit. To enable, it, please make sure that your LiveSplit comparison is set to compare against Game Time.

  5. Console runners must include bootup footage in their submissions. Since it is not possible for console runners to limit their FPS with Rivatuner, this is the only way to ensure that all console runners begin from an equal playing field.

This sums up the main leaderboard and run submission updates! Feel free to stop by the community Discord if you happen to have any questions.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
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