Discord server? / Also, potential other WR
2 years ago
Michigan, USA

First thing I was wondering is if there's a discord server and it is linked somewhere else that I'm missing.

second is I was looking at Speed Demos runs and noticed that the speed demos time was WAY lower. Not sure if something disqualifies this but there's video proof. https://speeddemosarchive.com/BattletoadsArcade.html#BattletoadsArcade_Level6_Zitz_SS_3938


Именно к этой игре не видел дискорда, но есть дискорд любителей Battletoads https://discord.gg/v83E5Crn возможно там можно пообщаться по поводу этой игры, а на счет пробегов на Speed Demos там отличные пробежки, их можно добавить и на этот сайт только если их автор не будет против этого.

I didn’t see a discord for this game, but there is a discord of Battletoads fans https://discord.gg/v83E5Crn maybe you can talk about this game there, but there are excellent runs on Speed ​​Demos, they can only be added to this site if their author does not mind it.

Trevor.cranberry gefällt das.
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