Probably this game's first maxed IL! Cygnus' 48 from 2008 is a very high 48, BDown's 48 from 2020 is a mid-48. This very high 47 (somewhere within 12 frames of 48) required tighter driving lines, minimal tire sliding (often feels impossible to control due to curb physics), and perfect q-boost and q-pulse timing to get the max boost duration and largest q-pulse radius at the time the pulse touches the van. This run had two phantom hits (collision without speed loss): once on the barricade which is an unavoidable hit (~50% phantom luck) and once when I swiped a car just before using q-boost (I tapped it so lightly the Lotus' wheels didn't seem to register it). If either of these hits weren't phantom I'd have lost the 47 due to the yellow car forcing me into a wider turn, and my wide line to the van where I ended up to the right of the lamp pole (between the street sign and lamp pole is optimal). Also, the traffic is truly random and generates as you're driving. What a nuts run!

It's very clear that the primary challenge that the developers of Agent Under Fire wanted the player to partake in was obtaining high scores. You need high scores to unlock single and multiplayer rewards and your highest scores are saved and displayed under each mission. Naturally, the beginnings of