Any% in 0m 44s 349ms by
time is 44s ,not 46
Mod Note: Retimed (Start Frame: 2112, End Frame: 4018, FPS: 43, Total Time: 0:44.349)
Mod Note: Btw, be sure to have the bottom right hand corner of your screen visible for the roblox logo, just had to go off of chat for this one.
Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update
As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!
With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:
- Level 17 - Left Scarred
- Level 18 - Mall
- Level 19 - Store
- Level 20 - Neighborhood
- Level 21 - Graveyar
Kürzliche Durchläufe
Level: Level 19 - Store
Level: Level 9 - Sublimity
Level: Level 1 - Poolrooms
Level: Level 8 - Lights Out
Level: Level 5 - Cave System