Old topic, but on hold R Eden
8 years ago
Isle of Man

Why are you assuming it's valid? Because a consensus hasn't been finished? This post is premature and doesn't serve to help. Pretty much the only person saying it's valid from what I read was Zamiell, which obviously makes sense.


Silly, he made this post about zam's run in Rebirth 3 months ago, i didn't care enough to argue about it back then but if we decided to remove the afterbirth run could we remove his rebirth run too?

Isle of Man

@yamayamadingdong Zam's Rebirth run was almost 5 months ago, but this thread started 3 months ago and I believe this is the 2nd time Zam's attempted doing this for Afterbirth. And from the reply it seems like he was indeed referencing Afterbirth not Rebirth. I still see the Rebirth one so I'm unsure why you assumed he was talking about Rebirth. Plus this is the Afterbirth forum.

yamayamadingdong gefällt das.
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