8 years ago
United States

It is very exciting to begin routing for a brand new game! Obviously there is Any%, but beyond that I am unsure what categories may be fun and interesting. There may not be any entertaining possibilities for an all shells run. What about a 100% run: all shells, fish pools, meditation spots? What categories do you think it would be interesting?

What should the suits be called?

Everything is brand new so expect change while we learn more as time goes on. Nothing is set in stone at this moment. Please weigh in on the subject if you have an opinion ^^

Bearbeitet von der Autor 8 years ago
NegaGrier gefällt das.
Ontario, Canada

Well considering that once you collect the shells they're with you forever, how could we do shell runs? Those kinds of runs do sound interesting though. Would I maybe be able to be a mod as well? I have submitted 2 runs and I had requested this game yesterday morning and don't know how I didn't get mod :P Thank you!

New York, USA

Maybe we can put each chapter as an IL?

New York, USA

Should we remove Black Suit any% because there are no runs for it and I'm pretty sure the glitches in Blue Suit don't work for Black Suit. What's your opinion on it?

California, USA

I think most of the glitches still work for Black Suit, but to be honest it would just be a boring run because of the slow swim speed through OoB areas. I would vote to remove the category since it doesn't add anything interesting.

Wish we could do a 100% or All Shells that would be fun.

Hugh gefällt das.
New York, USA

I have been thinking lately about a possible new category, similar to 100% but without the shells. The only thing that we can repeat in the game is the meditation spots. We could relate 100% to that if we wanted to. Please let me know your feedback!

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