Any% in 21m 43s 529ms by
i am sramp. sleep day.
Moderator Notes: -RTA was not displayed on video, so an approximate time was taken using the video's timestamps. -Corrected the IGT subsecond to .320 (was incorrectly input as '32', which the site interprets as '.032'. The timer used only displays hundredths of a second, so it's been assumed to be .329. A 0.2s penalty has then been applied due to the time being taken from the standard livesplit timer. Please use and display the variables provided in the autosplitter in future runs as these provide more accurate times. Ask a moderator on the site's forum or in Discord preferably if you are unsure about anything.
22-10-2023: Rules for Console runs, and new Max. Cas kills... again?
Formatting has been updated for better readability. Most of the changes are affecting Console only
- (Updated)
- Except for Mines, all runs must show
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Level: Hub 2
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