When Emi starts falling from a crawl state, above an electrified wall, she will infrequently get zapped. This is relevant in two places through the any% route: after Black Widow/First War, and after TriShot.exe
Seven times in thirty "trishot.exe exits" I get zapped by the electrified wall. My current theory is the hurtbox of the wall changes randomly (or pseudo-randomly in a pattern), if the hurtbox is extended upwards, Emi will be damaged two frames after entering the falling animation out of the crawling state. (Clickable timestamps of the occasions are in the description of the video linked below, and are repeated here: 00:25 01:15 01:45 02:25 (two in a row) 03:35 05:35)
Hey, everyone! Jupi here.
After discussion among moderators, we have decided to divide the board into FIFE Allowed and FIFE Not Allowed.
FIFE is too big of a glitch to not do so, as it makes the runs wildly different in terms of gameplay, etc. and so required its own category. If more major glitc