Community vote
1 year ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello Wii Photo Channel community! Should I make the arrow/arrowless property it's own subcategory (i.e. having an x piece arrowless, and an x piece with arrows,) or just leave it as a variable, as it is now. Seruran_blue got an insane .36 6pc run using arrows, and figured that most arrowless runs wont be able to get close to that time without them. I wanted to get your guys thoughts on this, so please reply to thia thread with your thoughts, and I will make the decision in a day or two.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
SuperGamer64 und grntsz gefällt das.
Arizona, USA

I think the current system in place works fine as if you wanted to sort by Arrow or Arrowless you can do that with the filters. I wouldn't be against new categories specifically for Arrows but it's something I personally don't think is necessary.

SuperGamer64, seruran_blue und 3 Andere gefällt das.
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New Category!

A new category has been added: All Puzzles! The goal is to complete all 5 puzzles consecutively. Please read the rules for further information. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or suggestions about this category, others, or potential new ones.

Thanks to grnts for this suggestion!

1 year ago
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