00 ILs Guide (made by Remy, Chall99, JenteJ, et al.)
00 ILs Guide (made by Remy, Chall99, JenteJ, et al.)
Aktualisiert 1 year ago von Guide_Account_Shared

The Goal of this Guide is to explain how to play the ILs and Score Events. Some runners suggested that there were too many Guides and that it might be pretty if we were to unify them under 1 single mega-guide. Top runners who hold World Records and other trusted runners can ask to participate on the project, if we don't reply on src try Discord. You can still make IL guides on your own, this one's for clarity


  1. TRACK


1.2. SKI JUMPING (Chall99)

  • SCORE:

There are 3 numbers that give you score. All of them influence the 1st value. 1st: Distance. 2nd: Balance. 3rd: Landing.


To prevent the player from deviating (-1 degree is annoying), AntoP advices the following: Touch the screen from the side (instead of swiping from the middle, swiping from the sides makes it so that you cannot fail the Jump. Because there is no more screen. So swiping from left bottom corner to left top corner makes it so that the Jump will ALWAYS be perfect).

Also, touch the screen all the time, while you wait for your character to reach the tip of the Trampoline. It's easier than touching it all of a sudden and swiping.


Trick for the wind: Pause and unpause fast at the Start of the jump to check where is the wind blowing (left or right).

There is still a chance that, halfway through the jump, the wind blows the opposite way, but that's just luck. 50% chance, a coin flip. That's unpredictable, pausing halfway through the jump just disoriented me.

You can Pause and unpause throughout all of the balance part. Pausing and unpausing every frame takes the fun away from Ski Jumping, and it's both slower and harder than just improving your skill (I have tried). It also hurts your fingers. I don't think pausing like this is necessary to achieve a 330 Score, it's within reach.

Trick for the balance: Instead of pressing left or right on the screen, just lift the stylus up. If the wind blows on the same direction during the whole jump (if you nail the 50% coin flip), don't change the side that is touching the screen, just lift the stylus up so that it does not touch the screen, and your character will move towards the middle again. It's easier.


Touch the screen all the time, while you wait for your character to reach the ground. It's easier than not touching the screen and suddenly touching it and swiping. Just wait while you already touch it.

  • RNG MANIPULATION (Not useful, my opinion): You can RNG manip the seed for the wind on the first jump. Even if you find a seed where the wind blows to the same side during the 2 jumps (which is hard on itself, because screen transitions and the distance you take to land will influence the RNG for the 2nd jump), not all wind patterns are created equal. The wind can be weaker or stronger. The GodSeed would need you to find a seed with weaker wind blowing to the same side every time.

Landing on the seed somewhat drains your soul, but it's endurable. I stopped having fun. Landing on a good RNG Seed is usually not hard, but Wind patterns use the console clock (most of my minigame records manip the clock, Ski Jumping works like that) and change the seed every half a second or so. Other patterns use the clock but allow you to land on the same seed during 5 seconds, or for 1 whole second. Wind RNG is devastating. The time window to land in the same wind seed is so slim you will be failing and resetting most of the time.

However, I believe you cannot use Pause-strats to check the direction of the wind if you pause the game. Because the frames you pause make you lose time, so the wind seed changes (if the seed is too far off, the wind can change halfway through your jump).

So, if you choose to use RNG manipulation, my advice is that you do it for the first jump. For the second jump, pause to check the direction of the wind, then play as normal. You will still need to get lucky and pray the wind doesn't change halfway through the jump though.

It feels clunkier and you lose a lot of time and fun doing that. It's too hard, so it becomes frustrating. That was my experience with it, maybe yours is different.

DISCLAIMER: Only Peach and Tails can reach 330 Points. Sonic's Max is 329.894 Points.

1.3. MOGULS (Chall99)

Moguls is maxed out. 2 Great (not perfect) front flips. 1 D-Spin, 1 Special. Wario.

There are 3 lines of points that you can achieve. The first 2 are maxed out. The 3rd gives you points for speed. Wario is the fastest somehow.

You need to land propperly. Don't stick the landing, then the front flip is not counted.

  • TASes: Even with a TAS, I could not make Tails or anybody perform a Good (not Great) jump while performing the necessary moves.







I have been thinking about dividing the Leaderboards between pauseless and Pausing. It's even fun to pause, it's easy. But there are barely any runs, so I might do it later on.



4.1. BOBSLEIGH (Chall99)

  • CHARACTERS: Vector goes in front of the Bobsleigh and Bowser in the back. Bowser has more technique, so he turns better.

  • TIPS: Pressing Up and X does help you build up speed. I encourage you to do that during peaceful and straight sections (tested with emulator, I made a TAS by inserting inputs and then I modified it to have the keys up and X pressed throughout the whole run. The time improved)

  • START: There's no secret. But you can pause, unpause and press B, pause, unpause and press Down.... Every frame possible.

That's no fun though, it drains your soul. Every frame you pause is a frame wasted (I THINK*?), where you could have pressed Down or B, so fast-tapping is faster anyways.

Notice that the timer stops once you start the race for a brief second. My best time without pauses has been a 6.9XX. If you pull off a run below 7 seconds, you should be capable of defeating Wixirix. (I got a 48.35X with a 7.0XX start)

  • How to become a fast-tapper: I use my right thumb and my left index finger. I fix the Ds on a surface with my left thumb. It's better to vibrate to the sides than lifting your fingers up. Also, the very key to master fast-tapping is to master your left hand (I'm right handed), since it is hard to tap incredibly fast with a hand that you are not skilled with. Use websites that tell you how fast you are. Find techniques to press buttons faster, like Tetris players do.

  • GAME:

There are 3 majors things that you need to do in Bobsleigh:

  1. Do not crash
  2. Have the highest speed possible at all times
  3. Charge your boost bar ASSAP
  4. Do not crash: intuitive enough
  5. Charge your boost ASSAP: There's nothing set in stone here. I've been TASing and it's pretty tricky. It seems like doing it normal is what is faster.
  6. Have the highest speed possible at all times:

2.1. To drive propperly you need to turn with the person who is behind (Bowser). When you turn with the person who is in front of the Bobsleigh, you lose tons of speed. So it is better to start turning to one side as soon as possible with the character on the back. SO, try to avoid turning with both people. The ideal run (in a perfect and impossible world) would not need to turn with the character in front of the Bobsleigh ever, however, that is impossible with Vector and Bowser, so you have to avoid using the character at the front of the Bobsleigh as much as you can (you only need to use him when you use both characters to turn).

2.2. So the question is: how do I avoid using the character at the front. Well, I've been TASing and it seems that it's good to turn with both characters slightly and steadily, rather than just waiting until you are about to touch the wall.

You also save lots of time by turning with both characters while you are in the middle of a turn, briefly, to stop the inertia from bringing you too close to the wall.


2.3. Turning with the character on the back doesn't lose you speed on the slightest. Reposition yourself as you wish.

4.2. SKELETON (Chall99)

Skeleton is very easy. Most things that you do don't matter. Just drive without bursting against a wall and use the boosts assap.

The start is the only problematic part. This speedrun comes down to how well you perform at the start of the level. You have to:

  • Use a DS with a small screen. Basically, don't use a DS XL.

  • Use a normal pencil. Shorter and longer pencils (DS XL pencil) make it harder

  • Do Circles: Remy discovered that you only need to do circles. No Swiping from side to side. It's very consistent.

  • CIRCLES: You don't need to go as fast as in other events, if you go fast enough you will Mount at 6.203. You cannot mount sooner.

  • TAS: If you play perfectly you will reach a time of 51.818. That requires you to boost as soon as possible. Every millisecond of delay in a boost loses 1ms. More or less:

The last millisecond needs to be saved by delaying the very last boost: (TAS 51.817). I believe this is caused by Bowser being displaced slightly forwards when he boosts. That makes it reach the goal sooner.

  • DRIVING TIPS: if you keep bursting against a wall in some sections of the level, remember that you can touch the furthermost side of the screen. This will make Bowser move to that side way more.

((((((((((- EMULATOR: It used to be faster for swiping. But now that we know that circles are faster, the emulator is useless.)))))))))))))

  1. HOCKEY (Chall99)
  • SETTINGS: To reach the highest Score you need to set the Time to 15 minutes in settings every time you want to play the event. "Fast" makes the NPCs and you run faster.

  • TIPS: I highly advise to just read the instructions and to watch the guides inside the game. You can tap the goalee just in time (when the puck touches the goalee, you tap him) to stop the rivals' puck.

  • RNG MANIPULATION: If you want to score high in Hockey, you need to fail no shots. Maybe RNG manipulation could do it, BUT, you need to enter settings and set everything right. This makes the RNG seed very unpredictable, I cannot land on 1 consistently.

  • HIGH SCORES: To score high you need to:

A. Score fast

B. Score consistently

A. Scoring fast is no secret. But in Fever hockey (Fever= Dream hockey), you need to charge your ultimate shot to go faster. The puck or ball will go faster with the final shot in Fever hockey. However, I do not know whether that's the case for normal Hockey. You do not need to perform a perfect game to reach 999 on Fever, just get lucky.

I set speed to fast on settings to avoid wasting time if I miss a shot. I have to after the puck, it's annoying.

B. The more you pass the puck the more consistent your shots will be. Plus the green charge from the in-game tutorial. Easy mode for Easy goalee.

  1. CURLING (Chall99)

No tips. Just practice and strategy. Learn irl Curling and watch some games, I guess.

Curling is as if SEGA had added Chess to M&S. I cannot give you tips to improve in chess beyond the ones that you will find around the internet.

I do advise you to use Bowser, since he can throw hard from all the way behind. To achieve a high score, it doesn't matter, but waiting is annoying.


Manip the clock to find Sonic consistently. The RNG seed for the NPCs is easy to land on. I haven't looked into it.

However, I am more uncertain about the RNG seed for a Perfect Sonic Start that might be harder to land on. Finding said seed shouldn't be a piece of cake neither: you'd need to use several emulators running a TAS at top speed with looped inputs and power-on every time.

I guess you could test how hard it might be to land on the same seed by finding a seed for another character, then checking if they all reach the same distance with the Start Boost.

  • START:

(Chall99) The perfect start can solely be done by the third NPC (you are the first). It has to be Sonic (since he has more speed than anyone else). For reference look at the walls: The perfect start boost will leave the NPC in the middle of the word "Vancouver", while a good start will leave the NPC in the Olympic Circles OOO.

The Fourth NPC can have a perfect start, but getting behind him soon enough will be annoying if you start better than NPCs 2 and 3. Either way, it will have to move inside the blue zone to enter the white ice, so NPC 4, in the end, will go slower.

The second NPC will go straight to the slope, so don't follow it.


(Chall99) Follow the NPC until your third bar is half charged, then boost. Keep going behind the NPC, you will charge your boost while you sprint. Then get the green pannels, sprinting on them, making sure you won't stop in the middle of the slopes, if possible.

Remember to Press A. If you stop at the tip of the mountain you might slow down. 1 A Press can save your ass.

XXPress B when going down. Depeding on how you do it, you can save lots of time. How to do it right? Ñ XX

Before getting to the shooting lane, press A a few times, then recover. Nowadays, people reach the shooting lane with their hearts fully recovered. This is for consistency.

NOTE: This route is not definitive. Echo_SSBM uses an alternative approach with Luigi.


(Chall99) Press A to aim ASSAP. GLITCH: Press A sooner than normal to shoot right away to the bullseye. Get it done in 24 seconds, with the glitch you might reach 25+ (which was impossible before).

TIMER: Biathlon's and Cross Country's timer adds 10 seconds roughly every 1 real-time second. So 12 minutes in-game time = 72 irl seconds. However, the shooting lane handles time differently, so saving 1 second there means a lot.


After shooting, press X as soon as possible. Time it.



After the slopes, press A a bunch of times and let your heart recover. Time it.

Third Half: Repeat.

  • GLITCHES: You can avoid climbing up the slopes if the slope reaches to the upper part of the Track. However, the strategy is not faster if you don't Boost with X. It's very hard and inconsistent. The time save is minimal. Remy made a Forum thread showcasing it on video.

Failing the glitch shouldn't lose you time if you are Boosting with X before attempting the glitch. So you lose no time trying.

It can be used on the first slope (1st turn only), if you follow Echo-SSBM route. And the 2nd slope (all turns)

  1. LUGE




DISCLAIMER: Somebody claims that a faster method to swipe on this event was found. In usual Romario fashion, it wasn't shared.

  • Start of the race:

START Ski Cross Racing starts with Bowser boosting on a dash pannel and collecting some rings. The optimal amount of rings to collect here is 3, though it is hard because they come in lines of 2. Then there comes a sharp turn that has a glitchy bump if you turn too abruptly. The bump will make you do an unnecessary jump. To avoid this small bump you can stop touching the screen with the pencil for a split second, or at least that works for me.

Then you will find another line of rings. If you become good at it, you can consistently pick 3 rings instead of 2 again. Here you have to jump and try to land on the edge of the slope jump. If you bounce correctly, you will fall to the ground sooner than intended, which is good, because the longer you stay in the air, the less you will accelerate. It's faster than picking up the 2 rings of the jump. It's faster than boost jumping.

(I advice using the jump to get rid of your items if they are not useful.)

If you land soon enough you can start boosting Bowser and turn, as closely to the wall as possible. Run through the 2 dash pannels and boost jump.

RNG PURGE I advice you check what items do the NPCs have while being in the air, while jumping. Remember, if the latter NPC has an emerald, it can erase all the items of the other NPCs. If you get no shield and they get too many shells you are done for and have to reset. Too many Boos are a reset as well.

  • Section 2: Jumps and caves JUMPS After landing you will notice another bunch of lines of rings. Once more, you can pick up 3 if you are good at it. However, unlike at the start of the race, it won't make such a difference, since you will have plenty of rings already. The more rings you have, the faster you run and boost, of course.

Avoid the Goomba, pick up the line of rings while turning, go through the dash pannel. Before the dash effect runs out and before you reach the first jumping slope, you have to jump. This will skip an entire boost jump, which saves a lot of time. Note: When dashing, your character will adopt a dashing animation. Once the dash effect runs off, your character will change its animation, which is a subtle change that can be used as reference to know when you should jump. Note2: turning to the sides will interfere with the dash pannel effect: it won't allow your character to jump high enough to skip the first jumping slope, so make sure your character is facing straight before you enter the dash pannel.

The second jumping slope is hard to pull off propperly: If you jump high enough you will skip the third jumping slope. But there is a way to make Bowser jump further away than normal, which happens to be enough to make him reach the rings from the third jump. There are 2 ways to achieve this: 1. You need to jump in such a way that you pick rings from both lines of the second jump, which will boost Bowser far enough to reach the line of rings from the third jump. 2. If an emerald is used by an NPC while jumping, Bowser will be displaced upwards in the air and reach the rings, even if he is using a shield.

After that you drive your character to the dash pannel and enter the first bridge. If you do this run perfectly, you will enter the first bridge at 36.000 seconds flat.

CAVES After passing through the bridges, you will reach the first cave. The bridges don't pose too much of a challenge, so let's briefly talk about them. BRIDGE1: if a Boo steals your rings, you can refill here by picking up 2 lines of rings (6 in total). BRIDGE2: depending on what time you reach it you can predict the position of the Goombas, they move in the same pattern and will be in the exact same place at the exact same second every game.

Once you enter the cave you will encounter yet another glitchy bump that forces ypur character to do a small jump and crash against a wall. This can be avoided in 2 ways: 1. You lose most of your rings. Not the most optimal strategy. 2. You practice the zone and learn to avoid the bump. It can be done but it's tricky.

Use the dash pannel. You can pick up another line of rings to boost yourself. Then you'll find another jumping slope. This jumping slope can be used to pull off a glitch that I have barely done twice. It's hard but it saves a lot of time: the glitch will make your character glitch under the slope, and you will be capable of boostjumping while being on the floor.

After doing the jump as intended you fall over a line of rings. Avoid the icicles falling from the ceiling. Exit the second cave.

  • Section 3: Ending

Take the dash pannels, drive close to the borders but not too much. Don't fall. It should be warned that some unfenced ledges are quite glitchy and will push your character to the water. There's not much to say about the rest of this part.

Just drive as intended, there's no crazy timesaving strategy here.

Alt strats:

ALTSTRAT1: you might be able to trick the AI to bounce on your back and push a little bit further at the start of the race, but you'd need to play on another difficulty. It might give you a small time save, at the cost of a greater rng, since the AI would reach more item blocks before you cross the finish line.

ALTSTRAT2: I'm positive you can bounce on other jumping slopes throughout the level, but it is unclear which of them would save time.

ALSTRAT3: At Section 3, you can jump through some parts of the void, a risky strategy that I don't think saves time. You can boost fast and easily once you land. The places are: 1. after taking the first dash pannel, the void before the second dash pannel can be jumped. 2. Right before the fence starts again, before the last Goomba, the void can be jumped from afar. There's an out-of-bounce zone in the middle, but it can be avoided


Rocket Ski Jumping is one of the funniest events for me. The concept is really cool, the gameplay is nice, but if you want to get the maximum score there are some basics that you need to know.

  1. GAMEPLAY TIP 1 - You don't need to collect every ring possible: Truth be told, my runs consist of me air dashing as many times as possible so I can get to the ending faster. There's no hardship in getting all the way to the last iceberg if you know how to play. I skip 1 ring from time to time or 1 airdash, there's nu huge loss of distance.
  2. GAMEPLAY TIP 2 - You need to airdash while flying through the rings. Your bar doesn't run out as fast this way. I didn't know that when I started, but this is the most quintessential basic mechanic that you need to know.
  3. GAMEPLAY TIP 3 - Gameplay Tip 3 was accidentally deleted and I can't recall it.

It might have been something like: Leave the NPCs behind, they will steal your rings. Use a character with Speed to outspeed them on the slope before the Jump. Reset the event until you compete against a set of characters with low Speed stat.

  1. GAMEPLAY TIP 4 - Items and RNG

You need no items to reach the ending. The items can get you to 3800 according to the current WR Holder (Sun), but there is no iceberg to land on beyond 2975.930.

The boots and stars are not necessary. You can make every attempt be a genuine attempt at the World Record. That's where tip 5 comes in. Shields protect from wind (useless).

Getting hit by items means that the NPCs are going to catch up with you and steal your rings. To prevent that you must airdash, since you get invincibility during the dashing. You also get a bunch of long invincibility frames after using the airdash, they are very useful. If you roll items like the Blueshell, you can use it to prevent other items from hitting you. Getting hit at the end doesn't mean much: your speed will, overall, slow down, but in return your boost bar will run out slower, so it can even be beneficial.

The shield makes the wind not affect you. But it's pointless.

  1. GAMEPLAY TIP 5 - Descend and Landing

These 2 are the most crucial parts from the run. Every game can be a serious attempt at the World record until you get to this part.


Your intuition might tell you that you should postpone the landing as long as possible, so that your character can fly further. However, that can't be further from the truth. Descending is a mechanic that you need to control and use every time to save your runs.

So long as you run out of boost after 1700m, it's okay. You just swipe downwards for 2-3 seconds and you will fall very fast. This allows you to move forward easily, conversely, pointing upwards slows you down.

When you reach 130m before touching the floor, swipe up and let your character fly as far as you want him to.


Run out of boost on purpose around 1850m if you always overshoot the iceberg. Manuever your way down.


The TAS is 2975.930m.

The game does not render the iceberg propperly from afar. And so, it seems like the tip is way more to the right than it actually is in reality. As you fly closer to it, the game will slowly "move it" to its real position, and only then you will realize if you went to much to one side or the other.

If you cannot reach the very last iceberg 9/10 attempts you will need to work on your success ratio first.

You can crash land very close to the end, but how far you move after crashing depends on how fast you were descending. So it's not always consistent. I'd rather swipe to stop myself.

If you descended very fast, you will be going too fast to stop yourself before falling from the iceberg. Descend fast if you are very far away from the tip. Descend slow if you are very far and close to the tip. Land with a Good or Great to reduce your speed, if you think you will fall.

  1. TAS There is no floor past the 2975.930m.
  2. Characters

Speed is necessary in Rocket Ski Jumping for the Start: The NPCs will annoy you constantly and steal your rings, so it's better to leave then behind as soon as possible. To do that, choose a character with Speed to make sure that you leave them behind on the first Jumping Slope, before you jump.

Every character can get to the end. So, in the end, you can choose whichever character you feel comfortable with, so long as you can execute tip 5 propperly.

Choosing NPCs that are slower than you is a good tip, so reset a few times to get better rivals (DK, Eggman, and so on).

  1. Glitches

You can crash on an iceberg with your ass, you can hit a tall iceberg from behind and crash on it. I have thought about TASing the event and make 1 character move to the side of the iceberg, to the crash against the tip of the iceberg from the side, without triggering the landing animation. However, I don't think it's possible.

What I will probably do is use the RAMSearch function on Bizhawk and find some of the lines of code that control the height and the boost bar. I will have them frozen so that my bar never runs out and I can fly infinetely, then I'll check if there is something past the 4000 meters


  • Intro SsDownhill is a short sport, barely lasting 17 seconds. However, in those 17 seconds there exists a whole world of complexity that is worth making a guide for.
    • Start The level is composed or can be divided in some sections for a practical explanation. These will be: the beggining, the glitchy zone, the big jump, the vertical wall, and the ending. The beggining is easy, you just need to obtain or use a bunch of mushrooms and jump the bricks propperly. The strategy might change through time, but as of now, you use the first mushroom, save the second and third mushroom for later, jump the first and second brick, and enter the next zone. It's as simple as it can get. Bowser is theoretically the ideal character.

The main objective when using a mushroom here is achieving the highest max speed possible as soon as possible. You can check it out in the bottom left corner of the screen. The sooner you start to go fast, and the faster you go, the better.

  • Timing the boosts I call it glitchy zone because here is where you perform the glitches. First, there exists a mushroom that you can pick up every few attempts. As of now, it is random, since it is not fully understood how that is done. Second, there's a brick before the big jump, that you can go through as if it was thin air IF you go fast enough and if you time the boosts propperly. Getting the second glitch is necessary to achieve a good time, having another mushroom is not but, if the mushroom was used in the right place, it could easily get you the record, good luck getting the mushroom along the skip though.

Here, you can reach a Max Speed of around 365, and to get that speed, you need to use all the mushrooms of your inventory during this zone. Timing the boosts is not an exact science, since you are going too fast to know when should you use each of them, so you will usually get 355 or close. However, you can use different methods to improve your success rate. These are...

  1. Using the background as reference. I personally use the mushrooms as reference: whenever I see a red stain flashing through the screen, I press B, so every time I spot the next mushroom I boost myself.
  2. Use other slower characters to find out the best spots. You need not a high speed to skip the brick, so you will gain practice and accuracy, as well as learning where you should use the mushrooms.
  3. Count or get lucky
  • The Big Jump

!!!!!! LR's METHOD: He is the WR Holder. Instead of attempting to skip all of the bricks, as I was doing (got burnt out), he found out that you can skip 2 bricks and then jump the 3rd with Sonic. You cannot jump it with Bowser, which I had tried before.

Then, there is no skipping the big jump with LR's method.


Everyone skips the fall by performing a jump with your character since 2010 .

To get the record though, you have to jump at the right place, achieving an inclination of 45 degrees or less. This will make you stay the least time possible in the air. If you got a rare extra mushroom from the glitch mentioned before, it could be advisable to use it here to minimize the time spent in the air. Especially if your jump was too late and you are about to crash with the brick placed at the end of the fall: a random mushroom and a good reaction can save your game.

But doing that is hard. You are usually going at such speed that you don't even see where to jump. Most times, you don't have time to react because you are not expecting yourself to skip the brick. Even worse, after experimenting with slow motion in an emulator, it seems that sometimes you can get unlucky and the game won't even let you jump at the right spot, no matter the frame in which you press A to jump (I tried every frame). So what do we do here. I have recently discovered that the game does let you pause the game, and when you unpause, the game allows you to perform any action instantly. It comes at a cost though, since the game will add some time to your timer. However, the game doesn't add time in amounts of 0,001 miliseconds (as it does in other sports), it does it in amounts of 20 to 30 miliseconds, so every time you pause, you will loose some time. My current record doesn't pause the game, but I do have managed to tie myself with this trick, so it does work and lets you react on time.

The rest of the section is easy, from the fall to the landing, and then you get to the vertical wall.

  • The Vertical Wall

The wall is simple. You go down, you find a mushroom, you use the mushroom. You can go ahead and read the next section.

( I guess you could improve your speed by doing some research, but it would be almost worthless:

Most people use the mushroom assap, but it is possible that building some speed before using the mushroom gives you more speed overall. That could save some time. This zone could be perfected by boosting, checking your current speed and comparing it to other attempts, using an emulator and save states, but the improvement would be minimal and barely save time. If you didn't use the glitchy extra mushroom before, it could be used here as well. It's not worthy. )

  • The Ending

After exiting the wall, you will pick up another mushroom. It is better to use it assap. Then there's a tight jump to skip a brick and that's the end of the level. Don't stop pressing the right button until crossing the finish line and don't pause the game, excitement is your worst enemy here.

Other Curiosities

  1. You can skip the vertical wall. This doesn't save time (not that I know), but you can keep falling all the way down. This is done by using 4 or 5 mushrooms during the big jump. You will keep falling forward and you can pick the vertical wall mushroom as well. I've done it already.
  2. Tails Skip. Using Tails and boosting yourself with 3 mushrooms allows you to skip the wall of bricks before the vertical wall. As of now, it has only been performed by colliding against the later bricks and loosing your shield. This makes Tails loose his momentum and fall straight down, but if it was to be jumped without loosing your shield, you could probably perform a bug finish or fall out of bounds. This wouldn't save time with Tails, but I doubt it could be performed with other characters either, maybe the average guys like Mario. Falling out of bounds could lead to something closer to the tweaking glitch in pokemon diamond, but I doubt it, it will probably be a bug finish due to an invisible finish line extending all the way up. Either way, a cool possibility. I lack the skill to pull it off.
  3. You can most likely skip other bricks. If you use slower characters, you'll see how it is easy to skip the brick in the glitchy zone at very low speeds. 325 and lower. It is a huge time save and it has potential in other parts of the level, like the last brick of the level, or that annoying brick at the end of the big jump, the one at the end of the wall of bricks, and so on. If they were to be skipped at very low speeds, combined with a decent gameplay, the record could go seconds lower. If some characters had smaller hitboxes or if pausing the game before a brick skip made skipping the bricks easier, the reckrd could go crazy. I haven't even tried, but even without pausing or using other characters, skipping more bricks has a lot of potentiaL.

  1. DREAM SKATING (Chall99)


Honestly, I have no idea. And I am the WR Holder. Like seriously, just improve I guess. Shit feels so unintuitive every time I start my sessions. I don't know if the floating circles are faster or slower. Just try to beat the person in front of you on the rankings.


There are 3 kind of Points in UFS

Ring Points: every Ring gives X points consistently

  • Tip: On the 3rd Medlay, after the first Jump, don't point all the way up with the stylus. If you do that, your character will slow down for a second. Point slightly upwards, place the stylus very close to the center of the screen.

Enemy Points: every enemy gives X points consistently

Artistic Points: Artistic Points are received by a number of actions

  1. Finishing all the Goombas/Kikis with a Perfect
  2. Jumping on the Springs with a Perfect
  3. Musical notes on the Final Boss

They are not received by: collecting all the rings, collecting the rings in order, in reverse or without order, getting a Good or Great with the Goombas, failing the Springs

1: There are 32 Enemies in every Stage. In Total, you can get around 60-70+ Points (30-40+ per each Spin Zone). The lenght of the Spin affects the Points. Filling the bar might get you 50 Points.

Major Advice: You should start spinning before the circle shows up. The goal is to fill the bar. If you don't spin fast right away, the bar will go backwards. So start spinning before the circle appears to go fast.

Tip: Try to hit the first 2 Goombas on the corners of the Square at the same time. It's hard to beat them all if you don't hit several Goombas at once.

2: The Points vary depending on how fast you are. In Total, you can get 370+ Points.

You can pause, unpause, click on a number, and pause again. However, you can max out the amount of points from both jump sections without pausing.

So pausing just becomes slower, kills the pace, it's annoying. My advice, just pause once, to allow yourself to react to what pattern you got, then click normally. The game won't allow you to view the pattern while the game is paused, so look fast.

3: There are 49 musical notes in Mario Popurri (2 stages left to count the notes). There is no difference between the Points given by a normal note and the Points given by notes that attack the Boss. Killing the Boss gives you 500 Enemy Points, not Artistic Points. In the end, the Notes don't matter as long as you do them Perfectly



Stay tuned for a finished run in higher quality and text explanation


Go to Hockey.



RNG MANIPULATION: It can most likely break this event in half. Haven't been looking for a GodSeed. You just need a perfect Stage 2. TAS is 99.999 points.

In Dream Shooting the best strat is going for 1 color. A Golden Bullseye gives 500 Points. A Star Bullseye gives 100 Points. Circle, Square, Rombo: ?

GENERAL STRATS: Pausing your game.

You have to accumulate a combo of x10 with the same colour and then shoot the yellow bullseyes. Wait until the NPC shoots and then shoot 3 bullseyes in a row, otherwise he can shoot a bullseyes that you were aiming at and make you lose the combo. Usually, the NPC takes about 1 full second to shoot again in Easy Mode. If they fail their shot, they might shoot right away. If they fail their shot, they might try to hit the same Bullseye that they failed instead of targeting a new one. If the NPC has nothing to shoot at for more than 1 second, let them shoot first, since they shoot as soon as they see a new Bullseye.

If you have bad RNG, you can always compensate in the 3rd Stage.

It's better to have lots of Bullseyes to shoot before the Golden Bullseye appears: the NPC will have more chances of targetting other bullseyes rather than the Golden Bullseye.


There is 1 yellow bullseye in Stage 1: The Golden Bullseye appears on the last 10-12 seconds. The best you can do in the first stage is 10k, but you'll usually get around 8k.

The best you can do to get 10k consistently is making all of the bullseyes from 1 cycle disappear early. Explanation: in every cycle, 10 bullseyes appear, and they stay on sight until all of them are shot down or, if there are bullseyes remaining, until X seconds. So the best you can do to force the appearance of 1 additional cycle is shooting all of the bullseyes of 1 cycle very fast. The best place to do that is at the very first cycle, because you have no combo to lose, and no points to lose if you shoot a skull bullseye.


You can get 25k points, there can be 3 yellow bullseyes. FOUR THERE ARE 4 FUCKING FUCK THEY ARE LIKE RATS MY GOD. 3 ON THE LAST 30 SECONDS. DUMB!!!!!!!

Phase 1: It's the best place to make your x10 combo. Don't risk it on the 2nd Phase. There is 1 Golden Bullseye in this Phase, that appears between 40-30 seconds. Don't shoot in second 30, since the camera changes position and you might fail your shot.

Phase 2: It starts at second 30. Don't risk it, don't lose your combo. There are 2 Golden Bullseyes on this Phase. Both of them might not appear depending on the RNG. The goal of the second phase is to solely get these 1 of these 2, or both of them. 1 of them appears at the last 12 seconds.

Pausing to see what Bullseyes are being thrown at you on the 2nd Phase is key. It reduces risk

Get 4 yellow Bullseyes here with x10 combo = almost guaranteed WR (don't fail afterwards). dumb


You can get 25k, there are always 2 Golden Bullseyes.

This Stage is a present, since the bullseyes are always in the same place, allowing you to get the same Score consistently. If you practice it, you might be able to shoot at the red bullseyes that are hidden behind blue bullseyes, or at blue bullseyes that are hidden behind the red bullseyes (which could bring the Points up to 30k). There is no RNG.


There are 2 Bullseyes. 1 of them is inside the Boss. 1 of them appears at the last 12 seconds.

The boss has to die, if you are unlucky he won't. You can start a boss fight with 50k, and get so little Points in the 4th Stage that your score doesn't go beyond 54k, which is frustrating. Sometimes no Bullseyes of the same colour appear and you barely build up a combo, then the NPC kills the Boss too early and you can barely get any points for his Golden Bullseye. This Stage is so heavily dependant on RNG. The top score that you can get in a 4th Stage is around 15k.

The Strat here is accumulating a x10 combo. Beware of the NPC when the Boss is about to attack: if the NPC shoots at the boss at the same time as you, you might fail a shot and lose your combo.

Pause the game to reduce your chances of failing a shot. Everything is moving fast, there are no major patterns. Every X seconds a bunch of bullseyes appear at random from the ice holes and from the air. Having time to react is key


A few notes, since there is not much to say:

Basics: The feather gives you twice the amount of Points per kill + speed. You can recharge your snow bullets with X. You can charge the cannon while you turn around. There are 4 stages, no stage lets you pick the feather right away, but some are more straightforward.

  1. You can duplicate the feather if you collect it at the same frame as the NPC. If you collect the two of them, you still receive the same amount of points. But having twice the amount of feathers can save your game if you die.
  2. Using the same characters for the same stage usually leads to predictable results (little to no rng). The firsts kills are free.
  3. The NPCs will try to get revenge on you. They target whoever killed them. So don't expect them to go for the others, they are coming for you.
  4. You can get out of bounce, but I haven't gotten the glitch during a relevant game. Either way, I don't know whether it'd be useful in the first place.
  5. The Walls can be used to go very fast, because they push you forward when you turn around. I use this all the time to run away.
  6. Tip: memorize where did the feather drop at when you die.
  7. Tip: Don't let them surround you, don't let them get on your behind.
  8. Protip: If you run to their backs or to their sides, they can't shoot you. It's free real state. Don't run to their faces if you have to kamikazee them, run to their sides.
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Tournament and Verifiers

hey guys, Remy and I have been talking and we want to add a few Verifier moderators. Because activity is still reasonable for us to handle, but a tournament is coming soon. Verifier moderators essentially verify runs and don't generally have any more abilities. So just read the rules and watch runs.