6 months ago
North Carolina, USA

Suggest categories or just any general changes to the board here.


Styx% (i got it first door)


And add internal defense system (turrets) in Damage%

North Carolina, USA

@Anormal we aren’t adding Styx because categories like that have been very unpopular from previous experience of other games. Internal Defense System has been added.


Dying to Sebastian to Damage ?

North Carolina, USA

@FireRuin it’s called “The Saboteur” in the Damage category

United States
He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
6 months ago

Do you plan to add badges/achievements?

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 months ago
North Carolina, USA

@Foxedout most of the existing categories are already badges/achievements, and while we could add more of them we beleive they wouldn't be popular to run, therefore spread out the competition of mini categories more and just make the boards worse overall, that being said there is still a possibility for them to be added if they are properly listed out with videos

Foxedout gefällt das.
Oregon, USA

keyroom% (because I would win) /hj

maybe painter in doors or item(?) category ,? not exactly sure how it'd work but yea


nothing that can be done under 30s. no garbage styx mindscape man door 1 shit.


add lots of the badges, artifice%, 5 good people

North Carolina, USA

what is 5 good people

Oregon, USA

5 good people doors badge !! that sounds fun

Foxedout gefällt das.
United States
He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
6 months ago

its a badge


Sorry if this isn't the place for it, but for All Alive High% doesn't the current timing method mean better runs will be ranked lower on the leaderboards?


@Hypnivaria There is an option to invert the leaderboards, and that's what they used.

retrozy gefällt das.

oh ok! didn't know that was a feature, neato :]


Probably should have put this here before putting it up.

The idea is simple; find and beat the Pandemonium minigame as fast as possible. You can buy from Sebastian and the pregame shop, no reviving, no cheats or exploits. The video linked is one I have posted to my Youtube channel that is the run in a bit of detail, but I also have prepared an unedited run.

This is the video (time in description)

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