Psycho Killer 100% Guide
Psycho Killer 100% Guide
Aktualisiert 4 months ago von TheFMVCraze

Hi there. Here is how to get through Psycho Killer 100% faster.

1: Memorise the route. Once you have your arrow key route memorised, you don't need to worry about potentially going the wrong way.

2: DON'T SPAMCLICK. Whilst at first glance it may seem like mashing your mouse may be the fastest way, you are then running the risk of:

Going the wrong way, potentially to a Game Over. Your click not registering, wasting more time. You are far better off being smart but timely with your clicks. A second spent fixing your mouse is far better than clicking wildly to maybe save half a second and then diving straight into a Game Over.

3: When clicking, click the bottom half of the arrows. Sometimes clicking the middle will not register. I've found that the bottom half never fails.

4: You can click even when cutscenes are still going sometimes, keep this in mind.


Neueste Nachrichten

I am looking for moderators with experience in CDTV/CD32 emulation in order to look over any CDTV speedruns on the game. If you have knowledge of this, and are interested. Drop me a message. Thanks!


4 months ago
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