I generally don't like to use emulators if an easily accessible PC version is available (by that I mean easy to pirate).
Has a fix been made or is it doomed to incompatibility hell?
EDIT: I have already tried compatibility mode for Windows XP, 98, and 95. None of which worked.
Try using DXWND, and fiddling with the settings there. I got it working on my Windows 7 with a bit of luck :D
MasterLeoBlue for me (Actual disc) it runs fine on Windows Compatability mode for Vista and Windows 7 Package 1, but you CANNOT change the graphic quality, it'll be stuck at lower. The game does not have windowed mode available, btw.
For Speedruns I tend to use N64 with Emulator. Inputs for PC are a bit inconsistant meaning it's hard to be consistant on the PC version in speedruns.
I had to hex edit the .exe to have it run on x64 Windows 7 (See AuToMaNiAk005's comment on this video: youtube.com/watch?v=0eA_7SLZytE)
To get it to run in a window, I used AMathMonkey's method (see twitch.tv/videos/181214809)
Still looking for a way to fix the game minimizing+pausing itself when losing focus and the random 60->30fps drops (I once had that problem on GOG's Rayman 2, but apparently they fixed that at some point? I wonder if you could apply a Rayman 2 patch on DDQA since it's the same engine and all...)
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