How come individual levels aren’t split by category ?
1 year ago

The story mode is so why aren’t the PQ’s seems unfair to put people on switch against people on pc for the individual levels ?


Ummm are you asking about PQ ILs? If you are the reason why is because IL PQs use the IGT that pops up after the level ends. The Main Categories use RTA since we have already separated them by consoles to be fair.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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Changes to the Main & Level Leaderboards

Due to an Update to the XV2 game in October 12, 2023 that allow difficulty changes, there have been changes we have/are doing to the board.

Starting today 7 March 2024, us Moderators have added the variable/category or Normal and Easy to the Main Categories Any%, Any% NG+, and Time Patrols and IL C

3 months ago