Roster 100%
6 years ago
Nevada, USA

So I know we just added Hag% and are talking about Color of Madness DLC ... but I think a different type of run strat would be to do a Roster 100% run where you need to complete all the roster goals, which is getting a level 6 of each character.

I would recommend this be on Radiant mode so that you can get to those levels faster.

This could be a non-DLC mode so that anyone can play and might appeal to players used to playing casually. It would be a longer run, but wouldn't force you to run through bosses, so not as much RNG hell. Would be fun to route!

Tricrow likes this
Nevada, USA

According to my estimates, you could reasonably do this in 32 weeks in Radiant mode (hence why I suggested radiant mode). You've got 15 heroes all who have to get to resolve level 40. The best mix relies upon using Medium length missions. A good run would be good RNG on most of those hitting the "Complete 100% of Room Battles" missions and having good scouting and layout. Also, no deaths, even though Radiant mode does allow for the heroes to return with high stress more often. So that might not be a complete reset even if that does happen.

If I did this run, would anyone else run it as well?

New York City, NY, USA

I can give it a try