Okay, so this is a weird one, so here's a FAQ:
#Why these specific Emulation settings for DOS?
This game runs terribly on x86 computers from this era (1994), so the compromise I made was emulating it at speeds from later generation PCs (1997-1999) that would allow it to run similar to the Amgia CD32 version, which is probably the most well known version.
This at least makes it not an entirely awful experience to speedrun, and seems to be more inline with the developer's intent. There's never been an official release of this game on any modern store like Steam or GoG to look to, so the best I can do is assign an arbitrary CPU setting for runs.
I watched game play from the Amiga CD32 version and attempted to replicate the speed of that game in DOSBOX, which seems to be around 20,000 Cycles.
However, I know even authentic Amiga hardware had many revisions, much like x86 machines of the era, and many supported this game albeit at lower speeds. Likewise, running this on real era accurate x86 (DOS) hardware would also be at lower speeds than what you'd see with the accepted DOSBOX settings.
I'm not terribly sure how to handle this, all things considered. If we do ever have folks doing attempts on real hardware, I suppose we could break things down a bit to machine types, but I'm inclined to leave things simple. If someone manages to get this running on real hardware, it's an achievement in itself, but I suppose we could at least separate higher end x86 and the CD32 from the lower end Amiga and x86 hardware just to make it interesting.
Another thing I haven't done enough reading on is Amiga and CD32 emulation. Getting the most accurate experience isn't terribly high on the priorities list, but making sure that it's at least functional and not too different is something I want to do.
#Why are runs done on HARD? Simply put, it's the only difficulty setting with any challenge to it. If we have more folks interested in running on EASY, or there ends up being something interesting about the settings on different versions, things could be broken out.
#Are the streets in this game really that dangerous? No, no they are not.
Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions!
Soooo... All the versions of this game actually are vastly different. I'm thinking we need to break this up to DOS Amiga and CD32. CD32 might actually be a decent yet still awful challenge!
Well then .. that should be interesting to see lol.
I'm fine with separating platforms if you believe its necessary.
It makes sense to me, with Amiga vs DOS its usually going to have some kind of difference that necessitates it. I ran into this on Moonstone, not only does it have very different play speeds but also there are official versions on the Amiga that have fixed RNG. Its not the sort of thing you would expect but when you try to speedrun it, it becomes glaringly obvious.
It's likely needed for CD32, bare minimum. Aside from the hilarious loads, the game's AI is... actually pretty good? It's at the very least vastly different in controls and gameplay. I can definitely see how including this as a pack-in game KILLED the CD32. It's poison for the eyes and ears, even with CD quality audio!
Amiga is actually fairly similar to DOS so we might be able to get away with it, but something seems a bit off on the control scheme. I gotta see if it's a bad disk image or if the manuals are just plain wrong or something.
Geez this game.