Destroy All Humans 2 Any% (Takoshima-5 Escape Section Skip) by Apezilla
Destroy All Humans 2 Any% (Takoshima-5 Escape Section Skip) by Apezilla
Updated 5 years ago by Apezilla

The escape section is a very dangerous part of the run as it can kill you repeatedly wasting loads of time if you get unlucky enough to die during it. In mission 5 of Takoshima, you can skip the escape section at the end of the escort mission by dying as soon as Crypto finishes the word "earthquakes" in the spoken dialogue. This allows you to spawn on top of the volcano during the escape section and ion-boost over to the trigger which will initiate the end of the level. As shown in the example, dying after the trigger is activated will not undo the activation.

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