Cyberpunk 2077 1.12 Downloader usage guide
Download the program here
Important Note
⚪Windows Defender does not like this program You must have the game, or a license of it, on Steam You must have the available storage for the game (~70GB) You must have a keyboard ;)
Downloading the game
put the exe file where you want the game to download in.
it will ask if you want to install the polish audio (press y or n) it will then ask if you want to install the game (press y or n) now enter your Steam username and password (if you have a authenticator it will ask for the code)
the program may not look like its downloading the polish file but the % only updates when a file downloads
it will ask for an authenticator code again and begin downloading the 1.12 files now, this will take a long time as its about 65GB of data.
after this is finished it will clean up the temp files and everything will now be in a folder called "Cyberpunk"
Congrats you did it! Good luck on your future runs
if you need any help or have any issues, feel free to message me on discord DreK#9045 :)