Floor Drops - Simon's X Value?
7 years ago
United States

Hello everybody,

I've been attempting speedruns for Simon's Quest (on and off) for a little bit now, and I've been trying to improve my consistency with floor drops.

I understand they're related to Simon's X Value (or at least I think I've heard this) but I have no way of knowing how to figure out what X values will grant a floor drop, and how to achieve them. I know that (most?) stairs reset Simon's X Value but I don't really know what changes his value other than jumping, whip-jumping, (presumably) using a sub-weapon and maybe ducking? But then obviously if one of these affects the value by 2, and one by 3 it will vastly change the way you set up floor drops.

Is there a resource available that has some information which can shed some light on this for me or some kind of tool that shows you some information about this?

I feel like the Simon's Quest community (despite it being very small) could use a resource or guide to help new people get going on this speedrun.

Any information would be fantastic, so thanks in advance.

xenkaroshi likes this
Jönköping, Sweden

I'm currently working on the tutorial for any% https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLotJKlE4aX01in7CJQstwReZ60qkKxQvP

I touch the topic in Part 1 so sneak that for some information.

But generally: Stairs reset vaule to 0, jumping will change the value, taking damage will change it and whipping in air will change it, sub-weapon in air will change it. For most floordrops we basically reset in stairs and use that current value knowledge to our advantage to setup the correct value through determined movements for each drop. It becomes pretty apparent once you start watching other runs more in detail as the movement generally isn't random. I do cover these floordrop setups in the tutorial as well.

Edit: Welcome to CV2, here's an invite to the discord https://discord.gg/2aKqGG

Edited by the author 7 years ago