Potential changes for the future
6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I only verify runs here if the run in question hasn't been looked at by you or the other mods. I haven't touched the rules or anything else nor do I think I should, as I've barely ran the game. If I had any ideas I'd run it by you/other mods/top players first. Just wanted to clarify that.

2snek likes this

So should every run faster than 12 minutes have milliseconds in the submission? Or does it not matter because you framecount for verification anyway?

Jönköping, Sweden

Shouldn't matter since he framecounts it

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New Category: Any% (No Scroll Glitch)

What the title says.

Scroll glitches are generally banned, but unsuccessful attempts at Scroll Glitches, or Scroll Glitches that don't provide any advantage are given a pass. This is intended to allow runners attempting an Any% run but who miss the Scroll Glitches they were attempting to still su

1 year ago
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