Basic questions
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

Sorry for asking these super basic questions, but taking a look at the uploaded speedruns has me confused on a few things. Now, these issues might be because the game was just updated yesterday but please let me know if I'm missing something.

1 - How are people skipping through text so fast? I thought it was with the "start" button, but that doesn't seem to skip the initial Maggie text, nor the initial scene with Clyde for me. (I haven't tested it on later parts but I'm assuming it still won't work for me there either)

2 - How do you get to the "Exit Area" button instantly? (Like what DruidVorse does to exist Belle's house in their Any% No Cactus run). Each time I go to the menu it always starts me at the top and there is no "press up to wrap around" and the menu seems delayed slightly, so it takes a good while to navigate down to the "Exit Area" button.

Again, for both of these I'm assuming I'm missing something COMPLETELY obvious, or that something changed with yesterday's update. But please, let me know.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United Kingdom

Hi, no worries, glad you're taking an interest!

1 - In the options menu, the "TXT" slider is for text speed, just crank that all the way up and you can spam through all text boxes pretty much instantly.

2 - Druid is just super fast at inputting right two times, which should get you to the exit area button, however at this time it seems Mhinbron borked something in the update there and now it doesn't let you go down from the v-sync button. This will presumably get fixed soon and I'll edit this post when I confirm it has been.

Maryland, USA

Ah, my -17 perception score strikes again. Thank you for the quick reply. And the double right makes sense then. Hopefully things are updated for that later. Once I finish my 100% playthrough, I may ask other things later while I try to learn some of these routes/tech. I figure no cactus any% probably is a good place to start.

LewDawn likes this
United States

Just as a small note about the instant "Exit Area" selection: if you're moving to the right when you open the menu, the cursor will often be on that button when you open the menu. I doubt it's must faster than just plinking across from start to right, but maybe it'll be helpful.

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Hi all, Colorgrave have announced a speedrun competition for Curse Crackers any% called the Chime Circuit, running from now until March 1st!

The top 3 runners will get a special edition t-shirt that will never be reprinted.

But that's not all! With every unique participant, no matter what y

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