The Nightmare Goggles are overpowered. How, and why, explained.
10 months ago
United States

Here are some reasons why Nightmare Goggles are the optimal implant for Cruelty Squad speedrunning:

  1. Faster Route Exploration: With the ability to see alternate dimensions, Nightmare Goggles let you scout potential shortcuts, secret passages, or hidden paths that can dramatically reduce your overall completion time. You'll be able to find alternative routes that completely change the game's flow, bypassing time-consuming obstacles and challenges.

  2. Skip Time-Wasting Puzzles: Many speedruns are hindered by complex puzzles that can slow down your progress. Nightmare Goggles allow you to see through the veil of reality, letting you solve puzzles instantaneously by viewing the correct solution or manipulating objects in alternate dimensions. This significantly reduces downtime and eliminates the frustration of getting stuck in puzzle sections.

  3. Precision Navigation: The Cruelty Squad world is a chaotic and twisted place, filled with traps and hazards. Nightmare Goggles grant you the ability to perceive the underlying structure of reality, enabling you to identify safe paths, avoid dangerous traps, and navigate the game's treacherous environments with unparalleled precision.

  4. Exploit Glitches and Bugs: Nightmare Goggles give you a unique advantage when it comes to exploiting glitches and bugs for speedrunning purposes. By peering into alternate dimensions, you can discover hidden glitches or unintended interactions that can be harnessed to your advantage. This opens up opportunities for game-breaking skips and sequence breaks, shaving precious seconds off your run.

Of course, acquiring Nightmare Goggles in-game is no easy feat, and obtaining them may require considerable effort and luck. However, their impact on your Cruelty Squad speedrunning journey is unparalleled. Once you've mastered their use, you'll unlock an entirely new level of speed and efficiency, propelling you to the top of the speedrunning leaderboards.

So CruS runners, if you're ready to take your Cruelty Squad speedruns to unimaginable heights, I highly recommend investing time and effort into acquiring Nightmare Goggles. Prepare yourself for a mind-bending experience and an exciting journey through alternate realities.

YexyIsSexy, SewerGremlin2 and 4 others like this

I wholeheartedly agree with this post highlighting Nightmare Goggles as the optimal implant for Cruelty Squad speedrunning. The reasons presented are compelling and showcase the incredible advantages these goggles offer to speedrunners. Firstly, the ability to explore alternate dimensions allows for the discovery of shortcuts, secret passages, and hidden paths that can drastically reduce completion time. This newfound knowledge revolutionizes the game's flow, enabling runners to bypass time-consuming obstacles. Additionally, the goggles provide a solution to the often frustrating puzzles encountered during speedruns. By visualizing the correct solutions or manipulating objects in alternate dimensions, speedrunners can swiftly overcome these challenges and minimize downtime. Furthermore, the goggles' capacity to perceive the underlying reality structure empowers runners with unmatched precision in navigation, ensuring they can safely traverse treacherous environments. Finally, the goggles grant a unique advantage in exploiting glitches and bugs, allowing speedrunners to discover game-breaking skips and sequence breaks. Though acquiring Nightmare Goggles may require significant effort and luck, the extraordinary impact they have on Cruelty Squad speedruns is unparalleled. Embracing the goggles will undoubtedly propel runners to new heights and secure their positions atop the speedrunning leaderboards.

YexyIsSexy and malignant like this

what are you smoking