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Low% (2 Player) in 13m 44s by
The video for this run is at risk of being deleted by Twitch
Awesome commentary to match an awesome run! Thanks Spaz and Flib!
Low% (2 Player)

13m 44s

Time splits
Provided by
# | Name | Split | Finished at |
1 | Jungle | 1m 04s 419ms | 1m 04s 419ms |
2 | Base 1 | 1m 09s 640ms | 2m 14s 059ms |
3 | Waterfall Gold | 1m 21s 149ms | 3m 35s 208ms |
4 | Base 2 | 2m 03s 403ms | 5m 38s 611ms |
5 | Snow Field | 3m 10s 448ms | 8m 49s 059ms |
6 | Energy Zone | 1m 43s 680ms | 10m 32s 740ms |
7 | Hanger Gold | 1m 49s 315ms | 12m 22s 055ms |
8 | Alien's Lair | 1m 21s 970ms | 13m 44s 025ms |
Konami code is now allowed!
Hey everybody! we decided as a community to allow the code for all categories except pacifist,we did a poll a little while ago and konami code won so yeah the code is now allowed!,also if you want to run pacifist using the code we created a pacifist category that allows the code on the contra extens
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