Retirement from COC
I have taken a long break from playing COC, and have come to realise that i will not be returning, I no longer see the game I once knew and loved since the significant changes to the Meta with the introduction of the Clan Capital Etc. I will remain registered as a moderator here and on Discord to ensure continuity for the community. However, as an inactive player with no experience of the current game, I would no longer feel qualified to verify runs or add new categories, and will not actively participate in such routine tasks on SR.C If there are major issues ping me here or on the discord, otherwise ping the other mods for verification delays etc. Good Luck and ClaSH oN!
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Recent runs
Level: Goblin Level 5: Goblin Gauntlet
Level: Goblin Level 1: Payback
Level: Goblin Level 5: Goblin Gauntlet