Posted 6 months ago by

We just recently got a batch of submissions in the individual levels section that did not have an on screen timer. As there were no previous runs in these categories, they have all been approved for now, but I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss the timer.

The game does have a built in timer very prominently displayed which seems to be ideal for this game, but it is not the same as an RTA timer. At the time of writing this, the first individual level is listed at 6 seconds, which is accurate with the in-game timer. Taking an RTA approach though reveals it closer to 10 seconds, which obviously presents a major discrepancy.

I'm opening this up to discussion on which to use SPECIFICALLY for the individual level board. Timing for full game runs must still be done with an external timer. I am personally for in game time as it lowers the bar for entry and is a quick visual. Plus, RTA timing method is only really useful across multiple stages where the timer cannot keep track.

I'd love to hear more input, but for now, In-Game Time is the default for the IL board.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Hey all, we're experimenting with he idea of removing the menuing times from the Bonus Levels category due to the fact that it is unavoidable and not really in the spirit of the game,

As such all runs, both current and obsolete, in that category have been retimed to remove all time between on the menu as well as the time machine animations at the beginning and end of the levels. This was done frame by frame, but if you have an issue with my math, please reach out.

All future runs should be submitted just as they have been prior to this change. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PAUSE YOUR SPLITS DURING THE RUN. I will manually go through afterwards and get an exact figure.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Just a few heads up:

Seeing as the Minimum Flux Category was dead from the start, I've deleted it and started the new Category of "No Pause Glitch". This category will essentially just be the 100% category.

Official rules are that you must complete the levels in order and you cannot return to prior levels. In practice, this is mostly for people who want to see the levels completed without the Pause Chip being brought in from Level 12.

Additionally, there are now individual level boards. Same rules apply as the above: Time starts when you enter the level or on a full level restart (T). Time stops when your score screen pops up. No coming into the level with a Pause Chip.

Good luck out there.

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On Screen Timing

We just recently got a batch of submissions in the individual levels section that did not have an on screen timer. As there were no previous runs in these categories, they have all been approved for now, but I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss the timer.

The game does have a built in timer

6 months ago
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