Any% No DJ category?
4 years ago
Illinois, USA

Just full runs or even il's but no double jumps just to add some more variety to the speedrunning scene?

Leoroarw likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Choppy Orc: Category Extensions would be cool

Leoroarw and y_noT42 like this

There isnt enough categories on the main page for there to be a category extensions, there is one main category and IL's, if they were going to add another category they would add it as a misc category.

ChrisXRalsei4Eva likes this

Also, "no double jumps" is just a self-imposed easy mode on the speedruns. Like it or not, double jumps are part of the game, and there isn't much difference between "glitched" and "glitchless" speedruns to justify separate categories.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
Illinois, USA

...Okay good point there. Since it is such a small game it kinda sucks that there is no room for extra category extensions.

Leoroarw likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I Mean I Think the difference between dj and non dj runs are pretty substantial. I think they would deserve two different categories


Dj saves like 2 seconds at most in the whole run, that isnt very substantial

Illinois, USA

In a game this short I think its pretty substantial. But because it is so short, there isn't much room for doing other things.

Leoroarw likes this
United States

Only one category makes sense for this game, sorry guys

trph and Quiv like this
California, USA

we wont get a ce because mods are too serious WeirdChamp

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