3rd zone
3rd zone
Updated 2 years ago by IvGromov

Why zone 3 first? The most powerful weapons are obtained in zone 3: explosives and a sniper rifle. In most levels, for fast passage, you need to kill opponents as quickly as possible. Explosives from 3 zones are capable of instantly killing multiple enemies. For example, you can place a mine and use a shield directly. The mines are invisible to the AI and they will come up to you for close combat and explode. It is recommended to proceed in the following order:

"Crate Factory" -> "Scaffold Scuffle" -> "Lava Palaver"

"Crate Factory" is the easiest level in the zone. First, pay attention to the 2nd conveyor (where the robots appear), run in the opposite direction of its movement and jump onto the conveyor below that. After that, 2 starting robots will run at once to the edge conveyor, where you can throw them off. After that, you just have to fold the remaining uppercuts or (if spawns) kill with an RPG.

"Scaffold Scuffle" is one of the most unpleasant levels due to the random spawning of enemies. Because of this, it is recommended to pass it second. However, the spawn of 1 enemy is always on the left and therefore, from the very start, make a Wind-up Punch(z-z-z hold).

To pass "Lava Palaver" you just need not to lose 5 lives before the timer expires. Here it is very useful and easy to perform the mine technique outlined above.

"Snow Brawl" can be passed at any time of the speedrun, since to complete it, you only need to master uppercuts well. At the start, we immediately go down and kick the opponent with uppercuts until he falls behind the map or into the water. During the time until he reaches the edge of the iceberg, his immortality will disappear and you can repeat the technique.

"Chaos Tower" is the last level in the game where the final boss is located. The beginning of the level is traversed according to the template: Throwing down the most convenient opponent at the start with an uppercut. Quick kill remaining with a series of uppercuts or rages. (Handy explosives will not be superfluous). Climbing up. For the first time we kill the boss with a rage or with the help of Wind-up Punch, starting it at the moment the upper yellow platform disappears behind the screen (Platforms that descend from the bottom). In the battle after killing the boss, it is recommended to retreat to the edge of the right platform (It is a little further from the central one) and hit the boss with uppercuts after his immortality disappears. Rage will accumulate from uppercuts, with which you can finish it off with the proper skill.

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