Welcome to Moist Challenge #5!! Lots of effort went into preparing for this, we hope you all will enjoy :) Below you'll find resources and links to help get you started!
Delph's Text Guide - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vZD-3OmM8cLG3fDjkxG9kjHsJrWBFHCzMqeDJzT8PRU/edit
Speedrun.com Resources Page - https://www.speedrun.com/Another_Crabs_Treasure/resources
Moist Helper by Rumii - https://github.com/ru-mii/MoistHelper.AnotherCrabsTreasure
Challenge Discord - https://discord.com/invite/35SjawXXEZ
AGGRO CRAB Speedrunning Discord - https://discord.com/invite/zyDMSPda4T
Challenges are time-limited speedrunning competitions.
They function very similarly to regular leaderboards except run submission is only allowed within a set time frame.
In addition to that, they may feature unique themes, rules, or objectives that differ from the regular categories. They provide an opportunity to explore different aspects of a game or to celebrate specific events, discoveries, or community milestones.
Challenges within our SRC Series are internally funded and hand-picked to celebrate and give back to our communities. These challenges not only recognize the passion and dedication of our runners but also encourage a more laid-back environment, focused on community collaboration rather than raw competition.