I was able to perform a zip in Cat Quest during one of my runs and have since recreated it.
If you buffer a roll on the first or second frame (unsure of this at the moment but it feels right) that you can buffer one and enter / exit a building, you will zip across the map / through the building. The zip ends when you hit something you cannot travel over (if you have water walk, you can zip over water). It's a little tricky to get it the first time but once you get the feel for it it's not that hard.
The direction you zip in is very weird. I've mostly managed to zip left out of a lot of caves and ruins (as shown in the video), but I was able to hit a right-ward zip from the founder's cave, seemingly only after killing one of these guys (). This may or may have just been a coincidence.
The direction you roll on the buffered roll seems important but I don't have a lot of data on this so I can't speak too much about it.
The side you enter the cave / ruin in is important. If you enter from the bottom right and the zip brings you north west, you'll just hit the cave / ruin and stop. You'll notice your character be a little closer than how you entered.
You can softlock your game if you attempt zips without water walk or flying from certain caves / ruins. One of these ruins is Zeta Ruins; you will be teleported behind Cold Paw and not able to move.
This is all the info I've got. Mess around with it and report back if you find anything!
These were posted in discord, I figured I'd make them available on the forums for newcomers.
Here's a tutorial on how to zip:
So far, there are 4 useful zips in the run. The time saves here aren't absolute but should give you a good idea of how much time zipping can save in total. At the end, I show 3 of them in the context of a run.
- Fire Dragon to Old Ruins (after defeating the Fire Dragon) Start position was the delta ruins.
Rolling (south side of the mountain): 20.3s Rolling (east side of the mountain): 18.633s Zip 1 (mountain zip): 14.933s Zip 2 (graveyard zip): 11.766s
There are two zips here because it's possible for you to end up on the south side of the large mountain in the middle of the map or to end up near the graveyard north of the old ruins (near mew cave). I believe that where you get zipped depends on where you enter the ruins from (still speculation).
- Second Watchtower to Pawt City (after clearing the Old Master's Ruins) Start position was the second watchtower.
Rolling: 31.134s Zeta Ruins Zip: 21.433s
- Cave Grotto to Ice Dragon (after getting Faith)
Before heading off to get Faith from the Hidden Cave, we save at the Catpital so we can save+quit and run to the Ice Dragon from there which saves some time.
Running from the Catpital: 26.400s Running to the Cave Grotto and Zipping: 15.266s
- Old Master's Island to Old Master's Ruins (Grandpaw Quest)
Flying from Island to Ruins: 19-20s
There are two zips that you can perform from the Old Master's Island cave and it seems that where you enter caves is important for each.
- Purre Cave (or close to) east of West Pawt. (
- Directly east of the Old Master's Ruins (near the The Deep Forest). (
Zip 1: 8.867s Zip 2: 7.7s.
It seems like being right up against the cave, in front of the door, is the best position. I get one or the other. I don't know if there's a way to get one of them all the time. ()
The first, second and fourth zips can be found in my 30:21 video at 5:16, 7:06 and 26:23 respectively: