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Updated 4 years ago by Icey1233

Difficulty Tier List: EQUIP LOW CALIBER .30-.30 LEVER ACTION ASAP QTE/Quick Time Event = the cut scenes in the game when you press (A) or (X) etc.

Russia (1) = EASY Tanzania = MEDIUM (Lions are weird - watch out for hyenas) Alaska = EASY Ecuador = MEDIUM (Capybara hit box is small, cougar is annoying) India = HARD (Tranquilize the tigers before they notice you. Don't shoot them twice) British Columbia = MEDIUM (Cougar fight + snake bites can be sketchy) Congo = MEDIUM/HARD (Crocodiles will sneak up on you, so be ready around every corner in the boat. Also, the best way to kill the cape buffalo is by triggering QTE's near the logs. Try spamming some buttons near it while a cape buffalo approaches it from the other side) Thailand = MEDIUM (The elephants at the end of the mission sometimes like to follow you. Draw as much distance as you can between you and them) Namibia = HARD (Listen for the leopard audio cue when carrying your friend. I don't think you can kill the leopard because he is the final boss here | Elephants sometimes follow you into the boss fight area which can ruin the run. Make sure to time the adrenaline surge wisely for the leopard boss fight if you wish to get out of their quickly) Russia (2) = MEDIUM/HARD (Wolves section in the beginning isn't too bad after some practice. Get some bait from the boars to lure wolves into the final fight area with the bear. If the wolves don't appear near the bait try looking around the boss area, but do not stray too far from it because the wolves normally spawn there)

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