Change where timer starts and finishes for IL runs
1 year ago
Greater Manchester, England

So after doing a run or two and watching some of the other runs there seems to be a slight varience on where the run actually starts. In the rules currently it says when you click on the hints answer at the start "Yes I want more hints" etc.

Personally I think it should be put down to when the screen fades in at the start of the episodes themselves. In terms of the finishing point for each episode do we have an exact time of when to stop the timer as that seems to be confusing also?

Campania, Italy
Deleted by the author
Campania, Italy
Deleted by the author
Campania, Italy

Rules say timer ends on the last action of the episode. Some runners incorrectly ended their timers on the To Be Continued screen so you probably got confused because of that.

Greater Manchester, England

Yeah that and we don't know when the last input actually is for each episode. I mean would it be worth changing the start time for each episode to when you first move the character or interact with the game itself?

Campania, Italy

Well you interact with the game like 5 seconds in since you skip the dialogues with right mouse clicks so probably not worth It. The last action for each episode Is specified in the rules, after that final action it's just the final scene of the Episode so it makes sense to end there

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Campania, Italy

In my opinion, the timing Is good as it is but the mods should retime those incorrectly timed runs

Greater Manchester, England


Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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Game stats
Recent runs
Level: Finale: Outatime
Level: Episode 4: Double Visions
Level: Episode 3: Citizen Brown
Level: Episode 2: Get Tannen
Level: Episode 1: It's About Time