Valid game versions?
1 year ago

I see only "Third Quest (Map 1)" has runs listed. I assume this refers to "The Legend of Zelda - Third Quest rom - REPATCHED 09/01/20: Gleeok/Lanmola", played on a flashcart or emulator? Are there any other valid versions (or languages) of BS Zelda? What about "Third Quest Speedrun Patch (1.0)"--is this required or optional (and what's even the difference between 2017 and 2020)?

Louisiana, USA

Sorry for the late response, but I believe the version that we primarily use is

III b, Download the LOZ - Third Quest patch, which purpose is to transform BS Zelda into an old fashion Legend of Zelda game. Included are:

  • disable the timer and hide it by Dreamer_Nom/Con
  • advance the game triforce related by Roto/Dreamer_Nom
  • Classic characters tile set by TeRRaBiTe88/Vel/Con
  • Triforce tile set by Con
  • Magic Key & Red Ocarina patch by Con
  • Zelda-style title screen and item screens by DaMarsMan/Con
  • End Screen with Death Counter by Mottzilla/Con
  • Quick Save with Red Heart by Con
  • Remove Red Spots marking dungeons by Con
  • enable Magic Shield unused frames by Con
  • anti-monster respawn by Con
  • English Translation by Bumpus/Duke Serkol/SmashManiac
  • Check the subfolder "optional patches" for more optional patches!

That one on the list on the website. I'd have to do some more research because I was just handed the rom at some point in my time of running it, and I haven't taken the time to verify which version it actually is.

No worries, thanks for the info! About the optional patches included in III b.'s .zip--are they indeed optional (allowed) for speedrun purposes? Two of them seem to be aesthetic changes, but one sounds like it actually has some possible gameplay ramifications? (Not that I think it'd be better or worse, but I just think this seems like useful information to have written down)

Louisiana, USA

From the looks of the txt file, they're just sprite changes, except for the magic shield one. Which we don't even get in either any% or 100%.

I'd be fine with allowing the use of it, if you wanted the original master sword sprite and book sprite.

Connecticut, USA

The rules say that "use of the English patch is allowed"... that would imply that playing without the English patch is also allowed, right? Even though Japanese text is presumably somewhat faster?

(Is there actually a way to play without the English patch? All the downloads I've seen already have it baked in.)

Louisiana, USA

I think the previous rules kind of suffer from old age. I should probably update those. There's no japanese text patch around as far as I know. (According to KiddoCabbuses)