Framerate Limiter Setup Tutorial
Framerate Limiter Setup Tutorial
Updated 9 months ago by swindlesmccoop
  1. Visit this page and download RivaTuner (it should automatically download a few seconds after visiting the page),17.html
  2. Open up the downloaded .zip file and execute "[] -RTSSSetup734.exe"
  3. Go through the installer and wait for everything to finish (might take a while in case some dependencies are missing)
  4. Close the installer and go to the Windows icon and type "RivaTuner" and click on "RivaTuner Statistics Server". Select "Yes" when it asks for Administrator permission. If it appears that the program did not launch, check your system tray.
  5. At the bottom left of the RivaTuner window, press "Add", then find the game executable. For Steam users, it should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Bomb Rush Cyberfunk", and it is called "Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.exe". For GOG users, go to whatever path you selected during the install process and select the same executable.
  6. On the righthand side where it says "Framerate Limit", click the "0" and change it to "30".
  7. At the bottom right, click "Setup", then click "Plugins" at the top.
  8. Find "HotkeyHandler.dll" and enable it by clicking the checkmark to the left of it, then click "Setup" at the bottom to set it up.
  9. Find where it says "Toggle frame limiter" and click the box to the right of it to enable it. Then, input the key you want to toggle 30FPS. I chose the backtick ` because it isn't used for anything, but you can use whatever you want, as long as it doesn't conflict with any keys in the game.
  10. Press "OK" at the bottom, then press "OK" at the bottom again, then launch the game. The game may launch with the framelimiter enabled, which will be pretty obvious, so make sure to disable it with whatever key you selected.
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