Proofcalling Casj1357's 1:02:03
4 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

I would like to proofcall Casj1357's current Any% world record of 1:02:03. I believe the run was not done on Gamecube, rather on either an overclocked/modded console, or on emulator.

I have done a load time comparison between 4 different version of the game. The comparison is for the 1st set of loads, from the selection of "New Game" to the first frame the game loads in. The comparison removes cutscene skips to eliminate human error.

I ask that Casj1357 prove that their console is not modified from the original manufacturing state, and show consistent load times as compared to the current world record.

Comparison times: Casj1357's WR: 232 frames Red Wii, using Nintendont, game loaded from SSD (read: overclocked): 272 frames Red Wii (Theoretical fastest version): 323 frames Gamecube (my past PB of 1:07:14): 339 frames

Based on this, Casj1357's run would save 3 seconds in the first load over the fastest theoretical legitimate version.

Indiana, USA

The run was not done on gamecube it was played on my black rvl-101 Wii with the game loaded from an SD card with nintendont. I will be more than happy to remove the run, or change the way in which it was submitted. I only had that run submitted after I submitted(fixed typo) and had my run for Forever Diamondz approved and used that as my reason/justification for approval. (added): in that run's video you can clearly see it being loaded in that manner at the start.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Indiana, USA

Also this is the leaderboard for the Gamecube/PS2 version of the Game. As the PC version and the GBA version are significantly different. Thus Gamecube was the version of the game being played not necessarily indicative of the console being played on (If you want that I have a ton of problems with any emulator run that is submitted. as PS2 emulators are not currently banned and have a significant advantage over console due to loading differences in the PCSX2 emulator; also, no rules have been defined for what emulator are/are not allowed. I would like to leave emulators allowed due to accessibility reasons but ultimately might have to ban them. but I would suggest using the load time remover that was developed for the Castlevania: Curse of Darkness speedrun community as a compromise if your only concern is the load times. )

I had concidered putting the PC version and GBA versions on this leaderboard as their own tabs, but have not had any reason to do so as of yet since no-one to my knowledge has shown any interest for those.

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