All collectibles?
2 years ago

Hi! I might be interested in doing a run where I find all super jumps, billboards and smash gates in the regular map + BSI in the future. Could that become a new category if someone made a run for it?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Would be happy to make a category if there were runs for it, seems like it'd be a fun one. In the past there have been concerns over the smash gates not counting when you drive through them, but if you're diligent in keeping track of the count you should be able to mitigate that.

United States

I've added this as a misc full game subcategory.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Thanks for adding the category. I'm still working on a route, but I'll definitely do the run at some point.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Hey, this is me again, 2 years later.

I've had a route for a long time and wanted to record a run in early 2023, but I realised that my old PC couldn't run the game at a consistent 60 FPS in windowed mode while recording so I put it on hold for a while. I have a new PC now and I should be able to record runs soon, I just need to remember my route. The mainland was easy to remember, but BSI is pretty complicated, there's just so many collectibles everywhere.

I was wondering about smashes. Do you think the run should end after all the mainland smashes have been counted by the game (so it shows 400/400 smashes in the menu and unlocks the carbon GT Concept) or would just getting all of them be enough, even if they don't get counted? Smashes have a higher chance of not getting counted the faster you're going, so driving faster cars makes it way more likely to miss smashes at the end of the run. They fixed this issue with BSI but didn't bother fixing mainland smashes at the same time.

I'm planning on doing the run using only Paradise and BSI cars. Currently, I start with the Cavalry then unlock the Vegas because the Cavalry can't get all the billboards. I could swap out the Cavalry for the Dust Storm, but I'd still need to unlock the Vegas anyway because the Dust Storm can't get all the billboards either. However, the Dust Storm is way faster than the Cavalry, so it's easier to miss smashes with it. That's why I'd like to know what the specifics should be.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Champagne-Ardenne, France

in my opinion BSI collectibles and mainland collectibles are 2 different things so it makes sense to separate them.


This sounds more of a Category Expansion thing rather than a category being added to this page, but it is just my point of view.

United States

Do you think the run should end after all the mainland smashes have been counted by the game (so it shows 400/400 smashes in the menu and unlocks the carbon GT Concept) or would just getting all of them be enough, even if they don't get counted?

All smashes need to be counted for the run to be valid. I know there are issues with them counting, that's the reason this category wasn't added sooner, but if you wanna run it you'll just have to find a way to deal with it.

in my opinion BSI collectibles and mainland collectibles are 2 different things so it makes sense to separate them.

Do you mean the rules for Full Game PC/BSI cars only should enforce using Paradise Cars for the mainland part and BSI cars for the BSI part? I suppose that'd be the best solution to keep it consistent with other categories. I'll add it now.

This sounds more of a Category Expansion thing rather than a category being added to this page, but it is just my point of view.

Moot point, the category was added years ago. I wouldn't be against it being an extension, but that page is a mess and it doesn't seem like that'll change any time soon, so probably not a good place for it right now.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

All smashes need to be counted for the run to be valid. I know there are issues with them counting, that's the reason this category wasn't added sooner, but if you wanna run it you'll just have to find a way to deal with it.

No problem, I was just asking to be sure.

Do you mean the rules for Full Game PC/BSI cars only should enforce using Paradise Cars for the mainland part and BSI cars for the BSI part? I suppose that'd be the best solution to keep it consistent with other categories. I'll add it now.

That sounds complicated, does it mean BSI cars can only be used for BSI collectibles, or does it mean PC cars can't be used for BSI collectibles and you have to use BSI cars?

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Champagne-Ardenne, France

@burninrubber0 the current all billboards and all super jumps categories are for the mainland specifically, which is why I think it should be the same for all collectibles (and by extension all smash gates)

United States

That sounds complicated, does it mean BSI cars can only be used for BSI collectibles, or does it mean PC cars can't be used for BSI collectibles and you have to use BSI cars?

It's the same rules as Main Game + BSI. Although, it looks like the BSI rules are meant to match the original game's Without DLC rules, which would mean Paradise Cars are allowed there. Perhaps it's worth having a dedicated discussion about what we what Full Game Paradise/BSI Cars Only to be, because there's never been a run for that, hence all this confusion.

Edit: I've opened a thread.

the current all billboards and all super jumps categories are for the mainland specifically, which is why I think it should be the same for all collectibles (and by extension all smash gates)

So you're saying the full game all collectibles category shouldn't exist at all? Or am I misunderstanding? (I've gone ahead and added All Collectibles/All Smash Gates to Main Game regardless)

Edited by the author 9 months ago
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