Does this game have any glitches?
I don't know if it is a bug, but when the father talk's Ron for first time, even when still talking you can walk, i think that you can run, i don't use it in a run cause' i don't know if i can use it in a run
Yep , the game does have a small glitch , the glitch is that you can get the spaghetti through the fridge Without reading the paper !! this saves like 0.4-
Edited by the author
[New rule] TOP 5 times will now require displaying inputs
Hello everyone,
Due to concerns about Macro/Autoclicker usage in runs, we will now require displaying inputs during your run.
We do not have requirements regarding the software to use.
It will help us with run verification and for you to not get denied if your run is actually legit
Current TOP 5
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