DoG skip tutorial
DoG skip tutorial
Updated 4 years ago by oxylen

definitely not as hard as people think, i use to be consistent as fuck with it follow all my tips, practice a lot and it's gonna work

-go to the right corner, camera zoomed out -mash C right -walk a bit right once the camera angle is good, touching the stick just slightly, to make sure you're facing the corner properly before running right -go right to between right and down right (make sure you go from neutral to right position as fast as possible, it works if you go to right slowly but will be delayed) You can go straight right instead of curving down-right-ish, but imo it's less consistent, and there are more chances to run over the step from what i tried -once you hear the 6th kazooie cluck (don't predict, listen to them): curve the stick to up right, hold A exactly in the same time you start curving (that's for NTSC, if you play on PAL: curve to up) -you shouldnt have to peck but do it if you think you're too much to the right and gonna void out (if you curved a bit slower than you have to)

advices: -skip grunty text if it spawns, it makes lag and you clip earlier -put exactly the same camera angle everytime (the clip works with different angles but it's just to make it as consistent as possible) -make sure your stick is always at maximum to keep max speed (VERY IMPORTANT) fully hold the stick during the whole setup, never retract even slightly especially when you curve to up right, curve! don't press up right, you wanna keep momentum and also avoid staying in bounds by being pushed by the door -don't let nerves ruin it, focus and it will work Don't attempt dog skip! once you did enough practice and the timing is in your muscle memory, you should succeed everytime (also important advice imo) It's like every clip in the game, if you know you're gonna succeed you will -practice a lot, and if possible before each any% run -also practice the stick movement, even without trying the skip (curve slightly from right to almost down-right, and curve to up right pressing A) do that a lot and it's gonna be in your muscle memory (make sure you don't hold A before curving or it's never gonna work, you can either doing in the same time, either holding A slightly after even if it's less consistent) -sometimes it doesn't work because of weird lag, nevermind try again and dont get mad (just make sure to put again the camera angle and walk slightly in the corner) -if you don't have everdrive and wanna practice it on cartridge, you can't go back after clipping so you have to save and quit if you only want to practing the jump timing, curve to between up right and right so you void out but even if it's long, it's good to practice the whole trick to master the curve to up-right thing

any% is the best category imo, don't let this "run killer" ruin it if you really can't but hundo is too long, there is any% no DoG which is still fun and only around 5min slower

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