Milliseconds timing
4 years ago
Lincolnshire, England

So YH10S has (relatively) exploded since the (now 3 year old) decision to add milliseconds to the entire leaderboard. We're over 50 runners, and I personally think the leaderboard is looking a little messy because of it. We have some times without milliseconds, most with, but most submitted times just get the milliseconds submitted from the livesplit timer, they aren't correctly retimes from VODs that I'm aware of (because it's a lot of work for us verifiers, and personally I'm not too fussed if the milliseconds aren't accurate for a 50th place 4 minute run, where they aren't tying anyone to the second.

So I'd like to see if anyone objects to us changing the millisecond timing to either the top X runs (top 5 or top 10 seems nice), or any sub X time runs (sub 3 being the obvious choice). This would neaten up the presentation of the leaderboard, not require unnecessarily accurate timing lower down the leaderboards but still allow for unties towards the top, and remove a lot of potential work on us moderators having to frame count every VOD going forward.

If the community consensus is that milliseconds should be shown and correct for every run on the board I'm still willing to do that, and correct all the times, but would like to avoid that much work if it isn't necessary ;)


Here is my suggestion, it's probably not the best but you can take what you want from it:

  • Accurate retiming by the mods for all sub 3 runs.
  • Remove millis on all other runs.
  • For tied runs, retime the same way than sub 3. Since a vast majority of runs submitted are above 3 minutes, visual verification will be enough most of the time and the leaderboard will remain accurate.
Lincolnshire, England

Pretty much aligns with my ideas, which is nice, not sure on the tied times though as that could look messy (and in the grand scheme of things would positioning on the leaderboard matter to someone if they tie a 3:10 or similar?) Happy to roll with it if it's what people want though.

Kentucky, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I don't think milliseconds should be absolutely necessary, unless it's a sub 3 minute run or if someone has a tied time with another person on the leaderboards. Even in that circumstance, I think only tied runs at a high enough level (Top 15 or so?) should be accurately re-timed, since I feel like it would just be unnecessary work for the moderators to re-time runs near or at the bottom of the boards.

Lincolnshire, England

So given the response above I'll implement milliseconds for sub 3 times, and remove them elsewhere. Will leave this thread open for anyone with a tied time to request the times be split if they want. Changes will be implemented probably Sunday, unless significant discussion happens sooner.

Lincolnshire, England

Timings have been updated as above. I've saved a pastebin of the previous times if for some reason we need these, but if we decide milliseconds should be re-added for every run we'd have to re-time them all anyway. Of note I had to remove the following runs; PajamaWarriorJohn's 7th place 3:07 (as well as all their obsoleted runs) as the videos have been deleted. lost_ 's 9th place 3:09 for the same reason, however their previous PB 3:11 has an active video, so that remains. Zizanyman's 19th place 3:24 as no VOD (along with all obsoleted runs) TheLastCreeper's 28th place 3:38 as no VOD DaBombzebra's 38th place 3:58 as no VOD

I've also updated the rules to properly define the start/end timings.

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