KenTech, retime properly will you?
4 years ago

Honestly I just found out about this and it makes me mad, KenTech needs to start retiming, because Jesus Christ, I checked the times for World 1 and retimed runs KenTech has verified, and man the times are so inaccurate, I retimed the runs myself as the rules say "Time starts on the first frame the play button is pressed, time ends on the first frame the flag pole animation" and here's what I found (I do not claim I'm correct, I'm just showing my findings, feel free to tell me that I'm wrong and stupid) First, is LuckySMH's claimed run of 1:26.025, the actual time here is 1:26.533, okay, only off by some ms, no big deal Next one is KenTech's claimed 1:28.073 time, the actual time... 1:31.433. Now that's a big deal because it drops his placement from 3rd to 5th, and that's a problem, a big problem Next is LautroArg's claimed 1:29.023, the final time is actually 1:29.333, which is also ok, this is, as far as I'm aware, KenTech's most accurate retime ever Last run I have for now is shadetagger's claimed 1:33 run, and KenTech claims he retimed that run, sonI retimed it myself and I got a time of 1:34.567, 1.5 sec time difference, KenTech, please learn how to retime, thank you for coming to my TedEd talk

Ketzaal, dantheman_6307, و Fern11011 تُحب هذا
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I am retiming all Kentech's verified runs, I will talk to him about retime, thanks for letting me know about these problems with the times. I am working to fix it right now.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago
StarSpeed و dantheman_6307 تُحب هذا
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جولات سريعة
آخر الأخبار
No More IGT abuse

any IL runs where the runner pauses will be retimed to use RTA rules.

that includes:

  • runs where the runner used the timer stopped glitch, by using a sign or well timed pause in a chick to pause the timer.
  • runs where the runner pauses jump a lot of times to get yeeted to the finish line.
2 years ago
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