Hey all, please post your findings for Heists RTA timing here for us to use in our investigation. We are currently having issues with identifying a solid start and stop point due to inconsistencies with the loading icon, the open world door, and potential lag that appears.
Here's a couple things to keep in mind:
- While not available yet, this method should be able to be applied fairly to consoles. This also applies to lower end PCs, as we do not want a world record solely on hardware supremacy.
- Changes to the game should allow this timing to stay consistent through the times.
- Efforts to curb the "loading door boss" should be considered.
Inicius pre-26.1 solo run: 6.373s between profit taker dieing and bounty reward Iterniams 26.1 solo run: 6.093s between profit taker dieing and bounty reward Iniciu/Turbodart/Foxy pre-26.1 co-op run: 6.193s between profit taker dieing and bounty reward Squakos pre-26.1 solo run: 6.017s between profit taker dieing and bounty reward Squakos 26.1 solo run: 6.050s between profit taker dieing and bounty reward
Clear inconsistency like you describe. I agree with changing the Profit Taker end frame to the blue glow. Exploiter still has the issue of the mid-level load screens. Until they can be factored out of the timer in a consistent way consoles and low spec PCs will always be at a disadvantage no matter where exactly the start and end frames are. Finishing the Heist 2 bounty requires entering the elevator in order to trigger the bounty end sequence. If the timer ends before this point then the whole bounty isn't being completed. In order to avoid using bounty end frame but bring the timer closer to its traditional end point, I counter-suggest making the end frame the inverse of the start frame, when the Orb Vallis map turns to the local Elevator map (after picking up the datamass of course). This still doesn't mark the exact end of the bounty but is extremely close and requires everything you traditionally had to do in Heist 2 except the elevator door glitch.
I agree with the Profit Taker changes, seems to be a more consistent way to do it comparing a few times as SN mentioned above. For Exploiter there are a few issues because of the other loading screens during the run which might not be consistent just as the main elevator wasn't and it may benefit people with a slower pc because they would have enough time to reach the next door while the timer is paused. Regardless i can see your method being used for the last split. Your timing method for the Heist 2 bounty appears to be very accurate, but SN's suggestion should be just as accurate as yours. I personally don't have a preference, however the second would be more appealing for new runners as the last frame is very similar to the first.
In general: https://www.speedrun.com/wf/guide/oe489#ch3_Framecounting For OV: Viewable in the Category Rules; https://imgur.com/a/xmKcpLq