Pennsylvania, USAtickytac1 year ago

This post is to give further explanation/clarification on some of the rules if you might be confused

"No players may leave or join at ANY point during the run for ANY reason"

This one should be pretty straight forward. The reason this is in place is because if this wasn't a rule, then a player could leave and rejoin instead of having to go all the way to pad if its faster. Rec Room's servers and peoples' connection are pretty inconsistent, so we want to make it fair to people who have worse internet. Also, someone could leave after the first act and still get credit for the run even if they didn't contribute whatsoever.

"Joking around during a run and trying to make a run longer than it needs to be is not allowed. A speedrun should be an attempt to go as fast as you can"

This is if you are sitting around or talking, and drastically making the run longer than it needs to be. If maybe it wasn't entirely intended to be a speedrun but you mainly stay on task, then it's fine. It would be pretty useless to have a run that isn't a speedrun on the speedrun leaderboards.

"You are not allowed to abuse the size of your playspace to move faster in a run, though you ARE allowed to glitchwalk (leaning and in-game turning). Usually if you take a step or two here and there it's fine but if you're constantly walking and you rely on it or are performing a trick that can only be done on large playspaces, thats when it crosses the line."

This rule is put in place to make sure that people with huge playspaces don't have an unfair advantage. Not everyone can have access to a huge area to play VR in.

"Do not use system recalibration during runs. Examples: OVR Advanced Settings, PSVR recalibration, Quest recalibration, and others of the sort to get through walls or move faster is prohibited."

The reason this rule is in place is because recalibration varies from platform to platform. Some platforms can recalibrate instantly, while others have to wait a few seconds. Also this can kind of encourage playspace abuse, because if you recalibrate further away from your center, then you can get further.

"Your height cannot be lower than 4'0(121cm) or higher than 6'3(190cm). You ARE allowed to alter your height, as long as you stay within that range, and don't change height mid run."

Before this, the rule was that you couldn't alter your height at all. This was a big issue because first, it could be really hard to tell if someone was height abusing or if they were just tall, which would lead to lots of annoying back and forth cases between mods and runners. And second, because players who were just naturally born taller had an advantage, because they got to take advantage of being tall and it wasn't against the rules, and the shorter players had to deal with being at a disadvantage from being shorter. The two main advantages of being tall come from being able to avoid enemies because you're taller than them, and you also teleport considerably further. This is from an experiment from a while ago, where I did 10 teleports at different heights, and compared how far i went. Every square is about 1 meter: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/967238814915526659/1103105618266554408/teleport_distance_picture_35.jpg

Pennsylvania, USAtickytac2 years ago

Im a super mod for a game, and I want to know how runs can have these indicators next to them like this? How do you set that up? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/967238814915526659/1049124348713250917/Screenshot_2022-12-04_194237.png

Pennsylvania, USAtickytac2 years ago

So I was glitchhunting the other day and found something that lets you become taller or slightly shorter. Basically, if you crouch down, teleport, and stand up, you will be taller than usual this wears off whenever you teleport again. if you jump irl, and teleport in mid-air, then you be shorter than usual, it also wears off whenever you teleport again. Dont know where this could be useful, but i thought it would be nice to let people know incase anyone else can find something

Pennsylvania, USAtickytac3 years ago

i did an entire run with the pause glitch

نبذة عن tickytac
former rec room golden trophy speedrunner - i really like vertigo 2 - developer of doubleshot
تاريخ الانضمام
3 years ago
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Rec Room
Rec Room
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