موضوع: Lovely Planet
Canadasigma6 years ago

Thanks for pointing it out, PS4 has been added.

موضوع: Lovely Planet
Canadasigma6 years ago

The file can go anywhere. In Livesplit, go to "Edit Layout", and add a Scriptable Autosplitter (under Control). This takes a path to the autosplitter.

Canadasigma7 years ago

Here is a permanent invite to the discord:


This will be the main place for discussion and information about the game. You're free to use the forums to ask questions, but you'll likely get a much faster response in the discord.

Canadasigma7 years ago

There is a clear line drawn in the current rules -- anything you can do physically is allowed. Any software rebinds that trigger without delay are allowed. Injecting delays between commands via software is not allowed, either as a bind to do a sequence of inputs or repeat an input at some frequency (a turbo button).

Mousewheel is a convenient physical way of trigger multiple inputs quickly. A mousewheel is not a turbo button as there is a different physical input occuring for each click. If you ban mousewheel, you're moving into a fuzzy area of what else to ban -- what if I wrap a keyboard around a wheel and roll it across my desk when I want to mash? What if I build a Rube Goldberg machine to roll a ball over a keyboard and mash a bunch of buttons for me? It's clear where these fall under the current rules (they'd be allowed), but not clear if mousewheel is banned... how do you quantify how ridiculous a hardware setup has to be before you don't allow it? As I see it, banning mousewheel would only serve to open the gates to more contrived ways of achieving the same results.

CovertMuffin, fernandz و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Canadasigma8 years ago

I support the use of Vulajin's glitchless rules for NMG. While you could debate whether "small" things like double bashing (that you can do accidentally) are a "major" glitch or not, removing dbash (aside from accidentally doing one for no benefit) makes for a more friendly category for people who don't want to be forced into KBM rebinding for competitive times.

I'm inclined to support removing save dropping, if only because it serves to differentiate the route from others (having air dash in ginso since you're forced to get cflame for swamp). Then, for consistency, I'm fine with not being able to rekindle through cutscenes... the only long one in any% NMG is the sunstone, and maybe at that point we can use a nice break.

Edit: also wanted to point out -- in my opinion, the door warp glitch should also be banned in this category.

Edit2: Also, if it makes more sense, maybe the category we're looking for is glitchless instead of NMG with "minor" glitches defined as major ones just for the sake of the name.

Edit3: I don't think rocket jumping should be banned in glitchless, personally, but I can understand it being gone for consistency.

Canadasigma8 years ago

In my opinion, the rules of all skills no OOB should be left as-is.

The main route changes if OOB is allowed are as follows: Boulder clip will be used instead of frog walk, and the grotto TA will no longer be used. After grenade, you will teleport to the top of ginso and do an any%-esque ginso-end OOB, rather than approaching Horu and doing the door glitch.

Both of these changes reduce trick diversity between categories -- long TA usage is unique to all skills, and is the main point that brought about a new category. Removing the grotto TA and using the boulder skip which already is used in any%, all cells, 100%, and oreo is uninteresting.

موضوع: Lovely Planet
Canadasigma8 years ago


I added the WiiU as a platform. For now, just submit your run to the demo leaderboard. If there are a lot of runs that get submitted, I may separate the demo leaderboard by platforms, but for now I don't want to clutter things up.

موضوع: Lovely Planet
Canadasigma8 years ago

My autosplit script is in the resources section on here now, in case anyone's looking for it.

موضوع: Grapple
Canadasigma8 years ago

I had been using IGT. Load times seem so negligible that it barely matters, but if someone was running on a toaster and/or the record became very optimized, I suppose it could make a difference.

I'm not sure if IGT already discounts load times -- the run you submitted recently was about 7 seconds faster on IGT than your splits (I had updated the time to reflect this). I would recommend testing this with the autosplitter pause to see if it lines up. If the autosplitter is indeed more accurate than IGT, then it would be worth considering, but you should take into account the possibility of someone submitting a run without using your autosplitter, and how difficult it would be to retime that manually.

موضوع: Grapple
Canadasigma8 years ago

Hey guys,

I originally submitted this game with the intention of running it, but got distracted by other games about halfway through learning consistent strats for any%. I may get back to it someday, we'll see.

Anyways, the point is -- if any of the active runners would like to moderate, just let me know and I'll add you. I'll keep verifying any%/IL runs of course, but if someone were to do 100%, I honestly don't even know where all the collectibles are, so that would be sitting in queue for quite a while.

Cheers, Sigma

Canadasigma8 years ago

KamiRyu -- try holding down longer. If you release it before you break the wall, it'll look like you're stomping it but you actually cancel out of the stomp as soon as you release.

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

Dashboosting happens as soon as you hit a jump pad while holding dash -- the longer you hold it, the higher you go, but any amount of dash use after hitting it will give you extra height. It would be ridiculous to invalidate a run based on an accidental tiny dashboost that doesn't change the route, so you could approach this by banning "high" dashboosts and overlooking tiny ones that don't change the route, or you could just allow them.

Regarding accidental slope boosts, either you can allow slope boosts in their entirety (making the category no super/no mega/no clip/no fling/no elevator?), or you could ban them and state that a run is not invalidated by accidental slope boosts if they're not used to save time.

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

I don't have any real opinion on which bugs make sense to allow in a "pure" run. I would say that it would make the most sense for Azaraki to define them, given that he's the only one to do a run so far.

I agree that the current "glitchless" category is badly named -- I've always called it "Any% no mega no clip". That doesn't have a good ring to it, but at least it's accurate. Perhaps just "Any% no major skips", with a major skip being defined as the use of a wallclip or megajump.

Canadasigma8 years ago

Can someone post another invite link? I don't check these forums often enough, heh.

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

I discovered this inadvertently in a 100% run when I did it on a gravity field that was timing out on its own. Basically, if a horizontal gravity field deactivates around the time you're releasing dash, you retain your vertical dash speed. If you hold dash too long, you end up dashing horizontally immediately and don't go anywhere.

I tried to find a place that this actually saves time in level 4 and 5, but since it really doesn't take you very far, I couldn't find anything major. It might cut a few seconds in some spots, but it feels similar to superjump timing, so whether it's worth attempting to line it up -- and risking just falling out of the field if you miss -- who knows.

موضوع: Lovely Planet
Canadasigma8 years ago

Added it.

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

No g-mod has been done, but it used dash:

Tewi did level 1 without the switchgun:

Unfortunately, we never managed to find a way out of the first room of level 2 without it. If you could sneak past that laser wall, then it should be smooth sailing until level 3, at which point I'd be very interested to see what happens when you pick up dash without having a switchgun. I know you could do level 3 without dash or the switchgun, but level 4 and 5 would certainly be tricky... could you megajump enough to get to some mosquitoes? Who knows...

BoredOfYou المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

I talked about this a bit on my stream the other day -- I found this during my casual playthrough, and I haven't found a use for it since then. You go up so slowly that just doing the route without it has always been faster. Though, it might be useful for the no-switchgun run (if we can ever figure out how to get past the first room of level 2 without it).

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

I tried this for a bit and got the max height once (using dash), but I couldn't figure out how to hit it consistently.

موضوع: DeadCore
Canadasigma8 years ago

This is really nice. I knew you could make it up from there with a blast curve boost, but I never got enough height without blast. Knowing that it's possible, though, after a bit of practice, it's pretty consistent. At least for me, this will be a lot better than retrying the dashing super.

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