تشغيل: 7 Days to Die
United Statessidewalkchalk1 year ago

That's a nutty time save! The only way to get the sub 40 was to find a new seed. I think you'll hold wr for quite a while, I don't hate myself enough to try to beat it.

تشغيل: 7 Days to Die
United Statessidewalkchalk2 years ago

Speedrunning this game made me hate it. Spending a minute for the game to load just for the game to freeze up or something was so annoying. I think I found some time saves so this run will definitely be beaten soon, but probably not by me.

نبذة عن sidewalkchalk
Ooo look... a penny!
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7 Days to Die
7 Days to Die
آخر سجل 2 years ago
الألعاب المتابَعة
7 Days to Die
7 Days to Die
آخر زيارة 8 months ago